Making yarn balls

Been wanting to try this. Been playing around with color combinations on # 1 . 2 hook. Been cutting yarn 1 inch long and cunch down in loop knot. Then trim to a radius. Question I have is they seem bit on large size. Probably 1 inch little less in diameter. What is your thought on this.. also any color combinations would you suggest. Yarn I have pink .orange. yellow. White .purple. peach. Red. Any suggestions be mist thankful.
pink and purple orange and pink
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Yarnie ideas....
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playhooky said:
Yarnie ideas....
Look nice looks like about same colors. I use. How big are they after you finish trimming. Mine are like 1 inch dia. Shod I trim them bit smaller or is that about right.
Gulfstream said:
pink and purple orange and pink
Mine are about 1 inch dia after trimmed. Is that about right or should I trim smaller. New to this game.
Utahutes said:
Look nice looks like about same colors. I use. How big are they after you finish trimming. Mine are like 1 inch dia. Shod I trim them bit smaller or is that about right.

I normally tie yarnies at about 3/4” but will sometimes tie smaller presentations also. Nice to have choices for different water conditions.
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playhooky said:
I normally tie yarnies at about 3/4” but will sometimes tie smaller presentations also. Nice to have choices for different water conditions.
Clearer water smaller the yarn ball.?. Should I trim mine down fo something like 1/2 ---- 3/4. Thanks for your help.only 2nd year salmon. Sfeelhd fishing.
Utahutes said:
Clearer water smaller the yarn ball.?. Should I trim mine down fo something like 1/2 ---- 3/4. Thanks for your help.only 2nd year salmon. Sfeelhd fishing.

clearer water smaller presentation, no matter what you are using. Most of the yarnies I’ve tied are as big as my thumb nail, nice to have different sizes as stated above
Here are some of mine.

depending on the river, I’ll include the cheaters or not.
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@Utahautes This might help for sizing and color. The possibilities for size and color are wide open... it’s whatever you want them to be. I would however suggest you take along some varied sizes in lighter, darker, mottled, solids, combinations and definitely some tied with UV materials. Don’t be afraid of ruining a yarnie by applying a little scent. They can be rinsed or you can simply cut the yarn off the hook and tie on new. The most important thing about any yarnie is the same as with any other game fish attractant which is presentation and even that can often prove to be a bust. But then again, it’s not always about tagging a fish but rather the experience of the challenge. Cheers... Tie one on!
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Lay the yarn back against the hook and tie it back, add a set of barbell eyes figure 8'd on, finish the tie and trim the yarn about an eighth inch behind the hook bend and you have something else for them to look at and hammer.
playhooky said:
@Utahautes This might help for sizing and color. The possibilities for size and color are wide open... it’s whatever you want them to be. I would however suggest you take along some varied sizes in lighter, darker, mottled, solids, combinations and definitely some tied with UV materials. Don’t be afraid of ruining a yarnie by applying a little scent. They can be rinsed or you can simply cut the yarn off the hook and tie on new. The most important thing about any yarnie is the same as with any other game fish attractant which is presentation and even that can often prove to be a bust. But then again, it’s not always about tagging a fish but rather the experience of the challenge. Cheers... Tie one on!
Another question have a dozen yarn balls varies colors. When float fishing do you add a small split above your yarni. Or do you just use a weight just above your leader. I made my leaders like 30 in long. Should I use a 1/4 oz split shot a out 15- 18 inches above to hold yarn ball down. Then again do you just use one weight equal to your float size. Sorry for all questions
Matching wt size in relation to bobber size is definitely a proven method. Lots of options to consider depending on current, how deep and long a run is, fishing a slot, fishing shallow. I suggest watching other anglers and taking some mental notes and then experimenting, experimenting, experimenting. Check out some YouTube videos, read some publications on Steelhead fishing techniques. There’s definitely some advantages to being experienced but you’ll only get that by trial and error. Plan on losing some gear but you’ll succeed if you stay with it. Good luck!
I always match the float to the weight. My thinking is there is less resistance for the fish to feel.
I went to a seminar that Addicted Fishing put on a week or so ago on float fishing. Their setup is really close to the same way I rig mine. I use a quarter oz float with a 1/4 oz inline weight. My leader length is longer than yours, I use a 4 ft. leader and I put a #7 splitshot on my leader about 18-24 inches above my yarnie.....................

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