Been chasing smallmouth this week. Have gone out each afternoon for a few hours for the past three days (Oct 26th-28th). Water temps have dropped and are hovering right around 50 degrees. I've been dropping NED rigs in between 18 and 25 ft of water - seems like the bites are much more subtle. This is the first year I've chased smallies this late in the year - trying to get used to the change in bites. I'm definitely hooking fewer fish - but the fish I get seem to be chunkier - including a 4lb 10oz beast. I have also pulled in quite a few pikeminnows - their bites are more aggressive. Got a 3.5lb (21 in.) yesterday (one of 9 pikeminnows landed). I am dispatching the pikeminnows and am enjoying watching the eagles come and get them. I think they know my boat, lol.