When is a Skunk day a Skunk day?

Well-known member
In the sport of fishing, having a Skunk day means you did not catch a single fish all day. Let's examine this a little closer. We first need to define what 'all day' is. Every fishing day has a time limit whether it's dawn till dusk or for just a few hours. Depending on the circumstances of the individual, the time spent fishing during the day may vary. For instance, somebody may need to go to work in the afternoon thus shortening the 'all day' time period. For most fishermen there are no preset time periods because the trip was planned for 'all day' to begin with and it is only when exhaustion sets in and accepting defeat does the mighty fisherman reel in and drive home. Therefore, if there are no fish caught in the length of time one chooses to be on the water in one day, this would constitute a Skunk day. Now, what if something happens, beyond the control of the fisherman, that compromises the fishing day time limit? What if after 4 hours of fishing someone got their car stuck and offered you beer for your help and it took the rest of the day? Is this a Skunk day? Or what if someone gets run off the lake by a thunder storm just as a callibeatis hatch occurs. Is this a Skunk day? Yeah...like in baseball..if a game gets rained out in the middle of the game, does the team that is leading win or do they stop and continue another time to determine the outcome? I am asking for clarification, opinions, or advice because I really need to know what happened to me today!
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it is what you feel it is...

IE: I was skunked the last day for Willy 'Nooks. I DID catch a Pikeminnow (was nibblin at eggs i had on one of the hooks, snagged it across the forehead with a 3/0!) but I officially called it a skunk

Last thursday I wasn't skunked sturgeon fishing as I did catch 2 shakers.

If it feels like a loss, then its a skunk...
Hahaha I'd say definetely a continuation is in order.
Things that make you go Hmmm....

Things that make you go Hmmm....

Good question..I've also pondered this question myself, :think: maybe not as in depth as you but it has crossed my mind at times. In my opinion if you fish a location and not catch anything you got skunked but then we must consider several factors when it comes to fishing a certain day. Now what if you fish... let us use Green Peter as an example twice in a day, morning time you didn't catch anything but in the afternoon you caught fish. Would this be a skunk day? Nope, since you only got skunked in the morning.

Now, let us think about this for a bit when it comes to having to leave early from fishing due to various reasons. btw...getting free beer for helping someone get their vehicle unstuck and not catching anything prior would be consider a GREAT DAY:D Got drunk? When it comes to having to leave early and not catching anything prior and wondering if you had a skunk day, it might depend on how long you were fishing prior to leaving early. How long one might ask? Depends on the person and how long they planned to fish that location. If after 45 minutes you end up hooking your fishing partner tearing off a piece of their ear:shock: and having to take them to the hospital for stitches I probably wouldn't consider it a skunk day, more like a bad day at the lake!

It is what it is...for me a "skunk" day would be not catching anything within the 24 hours.
OnTheFly said:
Is this a Skunk day? Yeah...like in baseball..if a game gets rained out in the middle of the game, does the team that is leading win or do they stop and continue another time? I am asking for clairification, opinions, or advice because I really need to know what happened to me today!

Thats what Im thinkin'. There's no raindelays in fishin. If you leave the spot where you were fishin, without catchin a fish, you've been skunked.
A guy could accumulate several skunks throughout the day, by fishin different spots. For example, if I fished at Riverside, the Golf Course, Barton, and Bonnie Lure, and I caught nothing at all spots, then not only have I been skunked several times, Im stopping at the nearest bar to cry about it.
I dont think it matters much if a UFO stops to troll your hole, or you saved the old lady that almost got abducted when it left, you still get skunked with no fish to the bank.
The pictures show where the controversial Skunk day occured. This is Rainbow Lake in the hills above the town of Detroit hours before the thunder storm hit. I can handle fishing in rain but dodging lightning is where I draw the line. I was outta there! I did see another guy pick one up on a dry fly and I was about to change over to floating line when the deluge arrived.

So was it a Skunk day? My time period was cut short! Someone help me I'm still in..:shock:
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OnTheFly said:
So was it a Skunk day? My time period was cut short! Someone help me I'm still in..:shock:

I don't think anyone but you can answer that.

For me personally if fish aren't caught then it's a skunk, but having a skunk trip and enjoying myself and feeling fulfilled aren't mutually exclusive either.
My feeling is if you go out fishing at all and catch absoultely nothing you have been skunked. Weather its 5 minutes or 5 hours. Once you drop your line in the water you are fishing and if you dont get one in the boat or on the bank it is a skunk. The question then becomes what if the fish spits your hook a few feet from the bank or boat>? I would call this not a skunk as you did have a fish on you just didn't catch it. Hmmmm now Im not sure on my logic. Hahaha. Im going to go into the lab and see if I can come up with something more Prolific :-).
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One time I went fishing all day and night on this pier. The next day as I was getting ready to leave my buddies showed up and talked me into spending that night.

3 days and 2 nights and one fish. Is that 1 good day and 2 skunks, or 3 good days of fishing?
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Ouch..one fish in 3 days

Ouch..one fish in 3 days

Anyfishisfine said:
One time I went fishing all day and night on this pier. The next day as I was getting ready to leave my buddies showed up and talked me into spending that night.

3 days and 2 nights and one fish. Is that 1 good day and 2 skunks, or 3 good days of fishing?

What did you end up catching around Okinawa? I'm gonna go with 2 skunks and one non skunk day. As for the 3 good days of fishing, that's up to you and if you had a wonderful time fishing. When I have a skunk day it's still in my opinion a good day, anytime you can go fish is hopefully enjoyable:dance:
Bass Man said:
What did you end up catching around Okinawa? I'm gonna go with 2 skunks and one non skunk day. As for the 3 good days of fishing, that's up to you and if you had a wonderful time fishing. When I have a skunk day it's still in my opinion a good day, anytime you can go fish is hopefully enjoyable:dance:

That day all I got was a goatfish, but we would catch grouper, moray eel (yuck), and all sorts of pan-sized fish. I even caught an octopus there the day my first son was born.

That pier was the best place to fish in Okinawa because it was on a Navy base and not open to the public. Eventually they got a new commander who didn't like fishing and they wouldn't let us drive on the pier, then they shut it down altogether. That's when I asked for a transfer and ended 6 1/2 years in paradise.

My neighbor was married to a local, and her uncle had a charter boat. He would take us out when he didn't have a charter for the cost of gas and a bottle of scotch. Out with him we would target bottom fish, and sometimes troll. When we got into the mahi-mahi and wahoo we would catch them until we were exhausted from the effort.

I need to dig up some old pictures from my Okinawa fishing days.
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Hmmm..never heard of a goatfish, why are they called that? Hopefully you made it back from fishing in time to be at the hospital for the delivery.

That sucks about the new commander shutting down the pier, gotta love the military sometimes. You really asked for a transfer due to them not allowing you to fish off that pier anymore?? Wow..you really enjoy your fishing, good for you dang it!

From what I've heard Okinawa has some of the best off shore fishing around. Some fuel and scotch, a small price to pay for some great fishing.

That would be cool to see some of your pics. How long were you in the Navy?
Bass Man said:
Hmmm..never heard of a goatfish, why are they called that? Hopefully you made it back from fishing in time to be at the hospital for the delivery.

That sucks about the new commander shutting down the pier, gotta love the military sometimes. You really asked for a transfer due to them not allowing you to fish off that pier anymore?? Wow..you really enjoy your fishing, good for you dang it!

From what I've heard Okinawa has some of the best off shore fishing around. Some fuel and scotch, a small price to pay for some great fishing.

That would be cool to see some of your pics. How long were you in the Navy?

I was actually in the Air Force stationed at Kadena, the Navy station was just a short drive away. I was in 11 years ('84-'95).

The loss of fishing was simply the last thing keeping me there. As much as I loved Okinawa, after 6 /12 years I needed to move on. Being overseas like that kind of leaves you in limbo, especially when you were sent there at 19 years old. You don't have an opportunity to build a credit history or anything, so eventually I needed to get back to the states.

That pier is actually the only place I've targeted human while angling. That's a story in itself.
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