What I should expect in Missouri?!

worse... hes from Boise! Hambone!!! anyway if you really want to know you could try asking Ned Betty... aaaaaahhhaaah aahahaaahhhhaaa .... beter lurn to pley tha banjoe.. and noodle..
halibuthitman said:
worse... Hes from boise! Hambone!!! Anyway if you really want to know you could try asking ned betty... Aaaaaahhhaaah aahahaaahhhhaaa .... Beter lurn to pley tha banjoe.. And noodle..


And as far as noodling, there's no way I'm gonna stick my hand down into some muddy water under a log!
Im from Boise :(
troutmasta said:
Im from Boise :(
:lol: That's okay, Brads from Bakersfield...:lol:
I think they do the "sir" and "ma'am" thing out there. I had a renter from Missouri and he called me "sir" all the time. Kind of strange but I liked it. He had a lot of moving boxes that said "frozen catfish fillets" on the side. Also, I think "fixin' to..." and "over yonder" are big with those folks. You'll probably have a colorful dialect when you move back.
C_Run said:
I think they do the "sir" and "ma'am" thing out there. I had a renter from Missouri and he called me "sir" all the time. Kind of strange but I liked it. He had a lot of moving boxes that said "frozen catfish fillets" on the side. Also, I think "fixin' to..." and "over yonder" are big with those folks. You'll probably have a colorful dialect when you move back.

It'll be an easy transition since it's my home town! I still use 'sir' and 'ma'm' - part of the upbringing - the kids in the drive through's still look at me funny.
Now the fixin' to and over yonder are the country folks and I was a city boy but I can still translate with ease...

6 hour drive North and your fishing Lake Michigan.
Chromatose said:
6 hour drive North and your fishing Lake Michigan.

That steel girder sure is bent!
wozniasm said:
That steel girder sure is bent!

:lol: must be the humidity. :shock:
We used to fish a river outside Fort Leonard Wood several lustrum ago......:lol::lol::lol::cool:
Hawk said:
We used to fish a river outside Fort Leonard Wood several lustrum ago......:lol::lol::lol::cool:

Big Piney River or Gasconade?
You have a lot to look forward to....here is a few facts:

- Called the Brothel Law, it is illegal in Missouri for more than four unrelated persons to occupy the same dwelling.

- Worrying squirrels is not tolerated in Missouri.

- It is unlawful to throw hard objects by hand in Missouri.

-Anyone under the age of 21 who takes out household trash containing even a single empty alcohol beverage container can be charged with illegal possession of alcohol in Missouri.

-Anheuser-Busch brewery in St. Louis, Missouri is the largest beer producing plant in the nation.

-The first successful parachute jump to be made from a moving airplane was made by Captain Berry at St. Louis, in 1912.

-The first ready-mix food to be sold commercially was Aunt Jemima pancake flour. It was invented in St. Joseph, Missouri and introduced in 1899.

-Installation of bathtubs with four legs resembling animal paws is prohibited.

- In Missouri, minors are not allowed to purchase cap pistols, however they may buy shotguns freely.

-It's illegal to sit on the curb of any city street and drink beer from a bucket.

and the best one....

- On Sucker Day in Nixa, Missouri, school closes officially and the little town swells to a throng of 15,000 hungry folks. All craving a taste of the much maligned but delicious bottom dweller fish loathed by almost everyone else.

Here's some more:
[TABLE="width: 605"]

[TR="bgcolor: #6c000e"]

[TD="width: 593, colspan: 2"]
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Missouri Funny


[TD="width: 2"][/TD]

[TD="width: 581"]-It is illegal to have oral sex.
-Single men between
the ages of twenty-one and fifty must pay an annual tax of one dollar (enacted
-Speeding is not illegal.
-If your are under the age of 21 and you
have in your possession a empty beer bottle, you may be charged with illegal
possession of alcohol. [/TD]

[TR="bgcolor: #6c000e"]

[TD="width: 593, colspan: 2"]
Missouri City


[TD="width: 593, colspan: 2"]Ballwin:
-You may not use vulgar language
outside your home.
-Yard waste may be burnt any day except for
-You can not have a antenna exposed outside of your
house yet you can have a 25 foot satellite dish.
-You may not hang your
clothes over a clothesline because they are banned, so you can use a fence
-Drinking is not allowed between the hours of 2 and
Excelsior Springs:
-Hard objects may not be thrown by hand.
may not trouble squirrels.
Kansas City:
-Minors are not permitted to buy
cap pistols, but they may buy shotguns.
-It is illegal to have a bathtub with
it's legs resembling animal paws.
-Minors are allowed to
purchase rolling paper and tobacco but not lighters.
-You may
not have 4 or more people occupying the same dwelling. Merryville:
-Women are
prohibited from wearing corsets because "the privilege of admiring the
curvaceous, unencumbered body of a young woman should not be denied to the
normal, red-blooded American male."
-Scaring babies is
-You may not get an elephant
-You may not attack birds with any type of catapult
within the city.
-Dancing is not
-Salesmen are not allowed to sell there goods while
sitting in the middle of the road, screaming at vehicles passing by.
-It's illegal to sit on the curb of any city street and drink beer
from a bucket.
-Milk men may not run while on duty.
-It's illegal to park
your car with the engine on, on the bases that it might scare
University City:
-4 women may not live together in an
-No person may own a metal pipe.
-You may not have a garage
sale that is more then 2 days long. [/TD]


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