I've come to know and love Oregon fishing and its waters and would much rather live down here. However, Bein a lifelong resident and guide in WA, I will honestly say there are more fish up there in all three categories: quanity, variety, and quality. I've caught some amazing fish and seen plenty down here and really really wish we could get the type of fishing down here that takes place up there. Oregon does have better bass and other warmwater fishing by far with the exception of tiger muskies. WA owns salmon steelhead and sturgeon though. Trout fishin is a toss up. IF you want a hundred fish day for salmon, go fish a Puget Sound river or even a few of the OP or coastal streams this year and that's mainly due to the pinks. There are rivers up there where I've caught 4 species of salmon and steelhead all in one day. If you want to catch big fish on a regular basis year round, WA is the way to go. BTW it kills me to say that cause their laws and the other idiots from seattle on the water suck and can ruin a good day on the water. Oregon fishing wins the good day on the water contest