TV fishing shows...

Well-known member
I found a few on the local broadcast channels lately - one is called "The Joy of Fishing", one is "Trout.TV" and another is called "Fishing the Pacific Northwest."

The "Fishing the Pacific Northwest" episode I saw was awful - they were supposed to be sturgeon fishing out of Astoria, but honest to god, the first 18 minutes of a 30 minute show were the boat guests and the guide goading a 10 year old boy into biting the head off an anchovy. Instead of just showing the adult betting the kid to do it, and the final conclusion - they spent 18 minutes showing the kid staring at this stupid anchovy in his hand, and the adults giving him verbal jabs and increasing the pot (got up to $110 eventually) before the kid actually bit the fish. Given the commercial breaks - there were about 4 or 5 minutes seen of them actually *fishing* and catching sturgeon. And the captain had this thing about making his guests kiss the fish. :rolleyes:

They caught enough fish, they could've spent 1 minute on the kid and his anchovy - and 20 minutes showing people catching sturgeon.

"The Joy of Fishing" was much, much better - the latest ep was also about sturgeon fishing (Oversize fishing up by Bonnie) - better editing, better action, and a more professional guide featured.

"Trout.TV" is one I've been watching for a month - good show about fly fishing (and they even show carp fly fishing - it's not *all* about the trouts). Best show out of the bunch, IMO

Kind of nice to see some fishing shows on local channels - but they can't seem to hold a candle to the good old shows like "Fishin' the West" or Babe Winkleman's "Good Fishin'"
I watch Hawg Quest and The Joy of Fishing. The host of Joy of Fishing was one of my highschool teachers at Marshfield. The first time I saw the show I thought that guy looks real familiar.
I'm thinking that "Fishing the Pacific Northwest" titled their show, in a very lame marketing attempt to capitalize on the success of Larry Schoenborn's "Fishing the West".

I haven't seen these new shows. But, I did watch a bit of the 3rd episode of Mud Cats this week; on the History channel. Its about Okie's who noodle for cats underwater--in a head to head competition for a monetary prize. Gee; that's really original. NOT!

A few minutes of the show, was about enough for a lifetime <pun intended>. I seriously doubt it will be on for long; as it is rather boring.
Joy of Fishing is a well done show. A couple of my favorites was when they were at Crane Prairie Reservoir nailing cranebows and a float down the Nestucca getting into the winter steel. The New Fly Fisher is really good even though I'm not a fly guy yet. They have tutorials which I love. Fly Nation is another one I found to be good. Hawg quest can satisfy the need for some fish porn but that's about it. Angler West is hit and miss for me. I find most of these shows on Comcast SportsNet, Root (I think), Outdoor Channel and World Fishing Network (Frontier TV).
I'll watch almost all of them if I am in front of the tube and a fishin' show is on. My favorite is, "Seasons on The Fly" followed closely by, "Wild on The Fly". One show I will not watch is, "Hawg Quest"! To put it nicely, I'll just say that I do not care for the personalities of the guys on that show! Another fly fishing show I use to enjoy was, "Flyfishing The World" when John Barrett was the host. But now their is a new host named Conway Bowman who is a foul mouthed individual! There are more bleeps on the show than words sometimes and that doesn't set well with me. "Each to their own", of course.

Sinkline said:
I'll watch almost all of them if I am in front of the tube and a fishin' show is on. My favorite is, "Seasons on The Fly" followed closely by, "Wild on The Fly". One show I will not watch is, "Hawg Quest"! To put it nicely, I'll just say that I do not care for the personalities of the guys on that show! Another fly fishing show I use to enjoy was, "Flyfishing The World" when John Barrett was the host. But now their is a new host named Conway Bowman who is a foul mouthed individual! There are more bleeps on the show than words sometimes and that doesn't set well with me. "Each to their own", of course.


yeah i like seasons on the fly, excellent show.
Saw that sturgeon episode myself I would have ate the whole damn thing for $110. Put it in my mouth a swallowed it down whole. Don't forget to watch the second half since the first half was so exciting.
Sinkline said:
I'll watch almost all of them if I am in front of the tube and a fishin' show is on. My favorite is, "Seasons on The Fly" followed closely by, "Wild on The Fly". One show I will not watch is, "Hawg Quest"! To put it nicely, I'll just say that I do not care for the personalities of the guys on that show! Another fly fishing show I use to enjoy was, "Flyfishing The World" when John Barrett was the host. But now their is a new host named Conway Bowman who is a foul mouthed individual! There are more bleeps on the show than words sometimes and that doesn't set well with me. "Each to their own", of course.


When I had the channels they were on, Seasons on the Fly was a fav of mine also. Spanish Fly with Jose Webe was also a very good one - he always made me itch to fish that tropical blue water. Fly Fishing the World was good too. I also dug "Beat Charlie Moore" when it was on. I still think though, that "Fishin' the West" was my fav, even if Larry was showing frozen fish occasionally, or had a guy off camera yanking on the line to show a bend in the rod when the action was slow ;)

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