tournements and derbies

i have found a few tournements and derbies on line in various areas of oregon but i know for a fact there are some tournements and derbies that are not a mainstream or publisized......does anyone know of any?? lets start a list.

Blackbird derby - diamond lake
kokanee power trout team tourney - diamond lake
kokanee power koke tourney - wallowa, odell, crescent lakes

i am also interested in tourneys and derbys that are in neighboring staes that wouldnt be to much of a drive...any info would be great..thanks
isn't there one at detroit?
id be stoked if you could find it and post it here
I know that they have a derby up at Detroit.... I think there might still be a tournament over at Ten Mile Lakes..... I'll have to check it out and get back to you.
Nightengales Fish Camp on Siltcoos Lake used to have a Perch Tournament, last August was supposed to be the last year most likely, I have taken 1st place once and 3rd and 10th, $75 and some raffle tickets for 1st.

I'd like to hear about the Tenmile Derby as well, that is right down the road from Siltcoos basically.
thanks drew and autofisher...yeah lets get all these derbies and tourneys figured out, i think a lot of people would appreciate it...thanks
Here are Kokanee Powers tournements for this year:

Crescent Lake-----------------May 14Th

Green Peter-------------------June 11Th

Wickiup-----------------------July 23Rd

Odell-------------------------August 20Th

Dont know if I'll make any of them but I'm sure going to try.
thanks a lot BB

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