Thurston Outdoor School

Well-known member
I meant to do this earlier but I wasn't able to post pics.

On Tuesday I and Eric (theintimadator) went to Dorena to help out Monica Mullen show the Thurston School 6th graders how to tie flies. It was a great experience even though I found out I am not a teacher. I helped each kid individually and did fine but I just don't like to be watched. Anywho, this was put on by numerous agencies like ODFW, etc. (I am not sure what other ones participate, maybe Monica can jump in). We started the day off with breakfast...

There were 7 different classes so it went from 10am to about 4:30 pm. It was great to see the enthusiasm of the kids, especially when they found out that they got to take them home. Here is a couple of pics that I managed to get. Also helping Monica out was Karl Mueller of One Mule Team guide service. I have to say I am really impressed with Monica. She has been doing this for about 6 or 7 years. Kudos to her.

Like I said, it was a great experience and if I am able I will be volunteering next year also. The kids had other classes too such as fly casting, outdoor cooking and a nature hike among others, I can't remember.

I had planned on wetting a fly in the Row River, as I had not been back there since I fractured my leg in 3 places on its bank.....but it was really poopy looking

Thanks, again, to Eric for going along at the last minute to help out. Any of you that tie flies might want to consider volunteering next year...hint hint.
Very cool!

Wish there was something like this when i went to school.
Proud of you folks for volunteering!
Kudos to you, Eric, and all who volunteered!!!
Very awesome Rose! You guys are great for giving back to the sport!

Ahh man... Outdoor school... I have some of my best memories from the 6th grade there. From panning gold, to watching the fish and sneaking out of my cabin at night with the friends to hang with the girls... was so fun!!

This looks like it was fun to! I need to fish that little river.
Maybe next year I will be a better tyer......
lilsalmon said:
Maybe next year I will be a better tyer......
The world doesn't need more "better tyers", we need more folks like you,Eric and Monica along with the other volunteers who take the time to reach out and touch so many young lives. I'm proud to call you my friend. Kudos to all who helped. :clap:
The world doesn't need more "better tyers", we need more folks like you,Eric and Monica along with the other volunteers who take the time to reach out and touch so many young lives. I'm proud to call you my friend. Kudos to all who helped.

The above is mainly the reason I skipped fly tying class. It is nice to be able to share what someone enjoys with others, be it kids, adults, even experienced fellow tyers and fisherfolks. For me being able to go out fishing or be able to sit down and tie up some fly patterns allows me to kind of shut out todays problems and get into my own world, even if its only for 15 minutes. It is a shame that we are losing out outdoor folks as time goes on, so if only one or two of those kids found a little joy in learning to tie flies and wants to pursue it more, then it was well worth a skipped class.

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