All the way from Mciver,Barton,Carver, Riverside,Highrocks, and then Clackamette park (I did not Plunk though). I used Cured Sandshrimp, Live Sandshrimp, Jigs, Eggs, Salmon Roe, Spinners, Corkies /Yarn and all I caught today was 6 Smolt. I talked to boaters and bankers and no one was catching anything today. I talked to my cousin who is a guide and he told me they released water from the dam's and thousands of Smolt into the system last night. He says all the guides are in the Willamette, Columbia, and will not be back in the Clackamas til Tuesday or Wednesday when they stop holding and continue to run. Does that sound correct? I know I seen a few roll but not a lot. He says those are stragglers from the last big run. ??????? I am new at the Salmon/Steelhead fishing so I have no CLUE!