Sure set hook issues

Well-known member
So last night I went to get a couple of k-14"s and was very dissapointed to see they added the sure set hook to their whole product line this year. Last year in Alaska using the crocodiles fixed with the "new Hook" we had an astonishing number of snagged in the side of the face fish, and after 6 or seven silvers the hook simply broke off costing us the fish. I would change any of the hooks to a simple treble hook as soon as you buy them,, could you imagine catching your first springer or steelhead and it was foul hooked in the face..... and you had to let it go:(


Ooooo,talk about a rantin' granny!! :mad: :naughty:
halibuthitman said:
So last night I went to get a couple of k-14"s and was very dissapointed to see they added the sure set hook to their whole product line this year. Last year in Alaska using the crocodiles fixed with the "new Hook" we had an astonishing number of snagged in the side of the face fish, and after 6 or seven silvers the hook simply broke off costing us the fish. I would change any of the hooks to a simple treble hook as soon as you buy them,, could you imagine catching your first springer or steelhead and it was foul hooked in the face..... and you had to let it go:(

Now i might be wrong but a fish that gets hooked in the face obviously came up to bite my presentation. especially when trolling or back bouncing so i keep them whenever possible. go ahead and call me a poacher i don't care.
Thuggin4Life said:
Now i might be wrong but a fish that gets hooked in the face obviously came up to bite my presentation. especially when trolling or back bouncing so i keep them whenever possible. go ahead and call me a poacher i don't care.

You know that you just admitted to breaking the law on an open forum?

Isn't there a forum rule against this?
There might be but come on if you are trolling along and a fish hits and you reel it in and its hooked outside the mouth it it really foul hooked? Legal yes ethically no. unlees you trolled through a huge school of fish with weighted trebel hooks you not gonna get a fould hooked fish. when was the last time someone hook a fish in the tail trolling? You can send the cops to my door unless the catch me its legal in my book.
Thuggin4Life said:
There might be but come on if you are trolling along and a fish hits and you reel it in and its hooked outside the mouth it it really foul hooked? Legal yes ethically no. unlees you trolled through a huge school of fish with weighted trebel hooks you not gonna get a fould hooked fish. when was the last time someone hook a fish in the tail trolling? You can send the cops to my door unless the catch me its legal in my book.

I'm not challenging your ethics, I just thought that posting "illegal activities" on the board is against the rules.

Before a debate is started; Having a dicussion about rules and laws IS differant then breaking laws and promoting it. I'm asking about the later part.
This is simply a post to warn against crappy new inovations.... I don't give a shat if you hang your wink in a koi pond to get a fish, A fish hooked outside of the mouth is foul hooked and snagged..... simple. But hey, do what ya gotta do, some people may not see another fish for months so I guess the end justifies the means. Your arguement has been weighed, measured, and is found lacking. P.s changed the hooks if you buy these lures.
Yeah don't know why they would put stupid hooks on them when the ones before were fine. How can you tell they are different? does it say on the pack or do they just look way different? Yeah I guess it might be against the rules to post about it.
Back on subject, sorry for the Hijack :P

I'm not sure what hooks you are refering to, do you have a photo somewhere?
They have one of the 3 trebles exaggerated and hung lower, when you see it you say to yourself... WOW that lookes wicked effective... don't let it fool ya. And its not always about the rules Andy... its about the 100 new anglers who read these post every day... lets leave it up to them to get frustrated and jaded on their own, Rules are rules, we should keep our interpetation of them to ourselves, but its a good bet to just go with it.
joesnuffy said:
Back on subject, sorry for the Hijack :P

I'm not sure what hooks you are refering to, do you have a photo somewhere?

i'll see if I have one I didn't throw away.
Wow thet doesn't sound effective at all and since you put them to the test i won't even try them. A bigger hook flailing around behind the lure no wonder the fish are getting hooked in the face. Yeah rules are rules I try to obey them. So make sure you aren't keeping foul hooked fish.

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