Summertime rolls

Hit McIver around 2:00 p.m.

Swung a leech on the fly rod for about an hour and a half...I decided I need work to make that endeavor less labor intensive. It looks so effortless when I watch more skilled fly casters :) After awhile, gave up and switched to the obvious...spoon.

Worked through the run as much as I could, but there were actually a few other anglers about (haven't seen any the last 2 times in that area). I then moved down and saw that another couple guys had worked down to the end of some good water, so starting at the beginning, I began working down.

Came across two young girls sunbathing in this stretch and asked if they mind that I was lurking about, angling for fish. They didn't have a problem with it, so I moved below them, a few more casts to the likely spots and got a solid hit at the end of the swing. Connected with the set and fish on! At least if I was invading their space, the least I could do is actually have a good reason, eh?

Of course this got the attention of the guys below me. After bringing the fish near shore, having it run back out, and repeating this 3 times (that fish did NOT want to come near me!), I finally had a tired enough fish to tail and voila!


Nobody around me, the entire afternoon, saw any action. I had to laugh when I suddenly realized, I was one of THOSE guys know, the kind that show up nearby, follow you through the run and pick up the fish....hehehehehe.
What a gift! Did the girls give any notice?
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Man you have been killing them this season! I was About to go out fishing today but I decided to stay on bed! It's not so fun going by my self! Next time you go let me know if you want some company!
Wow!!! I'm impressed! The Spoonman! :clap:

I've been sucking lately, can't get the steelhead to do anything and can't keep the nasty old springers off my line! It is nice to be that guy once and a while....isn't it!

Seems to me that you've moved on to the next level....I'm betting things will get easier and easier for you as you figure the steelhead out! :cool:

Were the girls good looking? Some pic's of them would have been nice! ;)
OnTheFly said:
What a gift! Did the girls give any notice?

Yeah, they actually were surprised the fish was as big as it was and they asked what kind it was. I must admit, I didn't mind the, ahem, scenery while fishing that particular location ;) Just don't tell my wife I said that...<nervously looking over my shoulder> LOL
waco said:
Man you have been killing them this season! I was About to go out fishing today but I decided to stay on bed! It's not so fun going by my self! Next time you go let me know if you want some company!

I totally would hit you up, but since I left so late today, I figured everyone was already out by then!
Mad dog said:
Were the girls good looking? Some pic's of them would have been nice! ;)

LOL. They were cute, but I'm thinking some 43 year old dude snapping pics of twenty-something girls in bikinis might be considered creepy...not to mention life-threatening to me if my wife found the pics on my phone ;)
ChezJfrey said:
LOL. They were cute, but I'm thinking some 43 year old dude snapping pics of twenty-something girls in bikinis might be considered creepy...not to mention life-threatening to me if my wife found the pics on my phone ;)

Ya....I hear you on that one, nobody wants to be that creepy old dude! :lol:

That's why I always liked to fish summers on the Rogue....lot's of rafters....lot's of good looking rafters! ;) a lot of those hotties didn't mind showing off for the old dudes fishin'......Kind of made it hard to concentrate with that kind of distraction going on! :lol:
ChezJfrey said:
LOL. They were cute, but I'm thinking some 43 year old dude snapping pics of twenty-something girls in bikinis might be considered creepy...not to mention life-threatening to me if my wife found the pics on my phone ;)

Nice fish Chez! Hmmm My area smelt really fishy today when i got back from the coast. I think i need to fish it ASAP lol. How many on the tag this year? I am secretly competing against you this year since you are smacking them and im not doin so hot! As for fishing when cute Girls in bikinis are around... It gets a little more challenging lol
rippin fish lips said:
Nice fish Chez! Hmmm My area smelt really fishy today when i got back from the coast. I think i need to fish it ASAP lol. How many on the tag this year? I am secretly competing against you this year since you are smacking them and im not doin so hot! As for fishing when cute Girls in bikinis are around... It gets a little more challenging lol

Ooooh, a competition! Sounds exciting. I am 18 for 28 this year, with 11 tagged. Summer has made it easier to boost that tag # as I'm not tangling with natives like Winter throws into the mix.

And apparently, fishing near bikini-clad cuties actually helps. I'll have to see if I can arrange that more often during my fishing expeditions :)
One thing I want to add is that I was surprised I didn't see the fish or the take. I had a good view of the water and it was pretty clear. I was watching my line like a hawk for any stalled movement and such as some of my fish have been hooked merely by setting the hook when my line stops. It reached the end of the swing, I've got what I think is a good view of it, then I feel the hit. Never saw the fish at all. Kind of surprised me when I give a good sideways pull and felt the fish.

Maybe I really was more distracted than I thought? Hehehehe.
Speaking of "user group conflicts"...this reminds me of last year and I was trying to find a place closer to home to fish. I found the place but was aware that there was also a sunbathing scene there sometimes. Once I ended up having a lengthy conversation with a nudist (a dude in his 70's, I believe) which was a little awkward. Then the very next time I went, there was a young couple (what's the right way to put it in a family friendly forum?)....basically having intimate relations right in the trail to the fishing hole which necessitated me having to go through the brush to get by them. I still go there to fish this year but only on cold mornings.
Mad dog said:
Seems to me that you've moved on to the next level....I'm betting things will get easier and easier for you as you figure the steelhead out! :cool:

You know, I've been thinking about this 'next level' thing and I've decided I'm not too sure about that. For some reason, I've been unable to see any action on anything other than a spoon and the occasional spinner; I can fish those, but any hours spent on something else results in nothing. Also, I have only had success on a select few rivers...Wilson, NF Nehalem...and a little action on Necanicum, in Winter and Clackamas in Summer. Not sure why that is? For instance, I hit the Sandy a few times earlier in Spring and Summer, fish the same type of water as I do on the Clack, but had nothing happen.

But, even if I hit completely new spots on the Clackamas, spots I've either never fished, or fished last year but had nothing happen, and somehow, this year, I've been able to pull fish out. So, it's not like I had some new info on that river, just fished in the water I thought most appropriate for the conditions and got into some. But fishing that same way on the Sandy, and covering a ton of water, still got me nothing. In other words, I think I still need to figure some things out before I might consider myself at another level in the steelheading game.

But, I'm certainly not going to complain about how things are going this year, compared to the brutal frustration that was last year! :)
If you find yourself with that nice of "scenery" again, I'd let the ladies hold the fish and rod for the picture.. That way you get the best of both and your wife can't complain TOO much ;)
Roolinghills said:
If you find yourself with that nice of "scenery" again, I'd let the ladies hold the fish and rod for the picture.. That way you get the best of both and your wife can't complain TOO much ;)

Ha! Excellent idea! I'm so thankful for this forum and the advice it offers :)
ChezJfrey said:
Ha! Excellent idea! I'm so thankful for this forum and the advice it offers :)

Great thread! LOL
Not sure how I missed this post? Man chez you are def upping your game! Great job! You are becoming a member of that 10% club that I hear about... Keep it up and great fish. I'm going to go out fishing now after that ha ha
bran_man said:
Not sure how I missed this post? Man chez you are def upping your game! Great job! You are becoming a member of that 10% club that I hear about... Keep it up and great fish. I'm going to go out fishing now after that ha ha

Yeah, this is the thread where I found out I'm competing with rippin' fish lips...that's why the recent thread title aimed at him. He hasn't responded, so I assume he's out fishin' right now to keep up...pressure's on! :)

Don't know if I qualify for the 10%ers, I need to start getting multiple hookups and I've only done that a few times and only landed 2-2 once, went 1-2 the other times. But, these days I expect to pull at least one fish every time I go out and my last 4 trips have got me exactly that. Don't know how I'm gonna handle it if I go out for #5 and miss...but I shouldn't have to worry about that because I've got the new hat, right? Or just make sure there are some bikinis around... Hehehehe.

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