Steelie season gone already

Is anyone still catching steelies on the south coast still or is it springer thirty it seems like just last weekend I "accidently" lost my full harvest tag and had to get a new one im so careless by the fire
Is that legal?
this year doesn't it cost more to replace the card than buying another hatchery card????
I guess if you can by a second harvest card then lossing a full one to get a new one isn't to much of a bend in the rules for me. I haven't ever filled a tag yet to even think about a hatchery harvest card. Not that I haven't tried.
Why not both?

Why not both?

deejay said:
Is anyone still catching steelies on the south coast still or is it springer thirty it seems like just last weekend I "accidently" lost my full harvest tag and had to get a new one im so careless by the fire
Careful....:naughty: we prefer to promote obeying the law. Which river do you float? We have members targeting both steel and springers right now. I'll take as many of both that I can get my hook into. ;)
deejay said:
Is anyone still catching steelies on the south coast still or is it springer thirty it seems like just last weekend I "accidently" lost my full harvest tag and had to get a new one im so careless by the fire

WHY? The hatchery harvest card is only $12=10 fish, another $12. It`s only $7 more than what yer doin, and it`s legal. I do it, it`s as easy as buying the whole thing, it really is:rolleyes:
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deejay said:
Is anyone still catching steelies on the south coast still or is it springer thirty it seems like just last weekend I "accidently" lost my full harvest tag and had to get a new one im so careless by the fire

Yeah hatchery harvest tags are cheap compared to a ticket . On a side note as well: I was talking with a Bi-mart employee and he said if you "lose" your liscence they can replace that, BUT you have to go to an ODFW office to get another harvet tag and they don't always give you one. They might not "believe" your story. You can only keep native fish on that one too(i.e. fall chinook!!!) So anyway you are allowed 10 natives typically chinook(some rivers allow retention of a limited # of wild steelhead and coho) and 10 hatchery. So obviously an additional hatchery harvest card is just that...HATCHERY FISH ONLY!! But you can buy as many as you want through out the year. This is all in the regs. except for the Bi-mart employees statement. There are way too many poachers out there and as far as the ODFW is concerned they have probably dealt with so many D-bags over the years and that is why they are so strict. If it protects our natives and hatchery programs I am all for supporting the cause. Just thought I would throw that out. Good luck, obey the regs., kill some fish and have some fun.
After knowing all the facts isn't it easier just to go buy a second one?
I spoke with a checker who told me you had to go to an office and it was $15.... $3 more bucks than a hatch card. This is just a guys lefthanded way of bragging he catches a lot of steel... and he should, he lives on the coast and has a drift boat.... but its really no big deal, after all a fella with some resolve could max a card in january with a barbie pole from the bank of big creek or eagle creek.... so I guess he's just sayin he has a lot of time to fish?
halibuthitman said:
I spoke with a checker who told me you had to go to an office and it was $15.... $3 more bucks than a hatch card. This is just a guys lefthanded way of bragging he catches a lot of steel... and he should, he lives on the coast and has a drift boat.... but its really no big deal, after all a fella with some resolve could max a card in january with a barbie pole from the bank of big creek or eagle creek.... so I guess he's just sayin he has a lot of time to fish?

Unemployment in the winter time is never a bad thing it's like getting paid to fish that's almost the American dream
well then Im living the american dream, cause im unemployed in the fall and winter, and get paid to fish when I work...

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