Steelhead eggs are the best thing you can use for chinook, then coho eggs, then chinook eggs. Like brandon said, Do NOT let those eggs come into contact with water. Period. It ruins the membrane of the eggs and they won't cure properly. If the fish is properly bled out in a timely manner, there will be not much blood left in the skeins, and that which is can be worked out with the back of a spoon. There are different methods to curing eggs, a dry cure or a wet brine and both are effective, dry cures are easier, but also easier to burn the eggs. Your first batch of eggs will probably be not awesome. The more you do it the easier it gets and the better your bait gets. I only use eggs for chinook, so I don't use borax much anymore, but if you're curing for steelhead this winter...a borax cure is hard to beat. steelhead university is also a good source for information on curing eggs.