St. Louis Ponds

I've been there several times and try to walk around from pond to pond and I've caught about 3 bass and several panfish but have yet to decide which pond is the most consistent producer. I would think that the stocked pond would be best since the baitfish are just handed out to the monsters every winter, but does anyone else have an opinion on this subject?
I haven't been there enough to be sure of a pattern, but I have made it a point to fish all the ponds. I caught all my bass in 6 and 7
where is st louis ponds?
St. Louis Ponds is located just outside of Gervais and Brooks.
Went out to the ponds, yesterday evening, with my son (6)... Fished pond 3 (surface pretty much covered in vegetation) and pond 5...(more open water).. Fished topwater around the openings...but no action.. Saw what looked like about a 9" trout in pond 5..and some movement of fish.. Nice evening, and good casting practice for both of us.. Not a lot of cars at the parking lot.. and only a couple at the lots on the way to the main lot..
Is it still really dirty there?
I've always had the best luck at the pond near the caretakers trailer. It has a green picnic table and I believe it'spond #5. Haven't been in a while because of how gross and dirty it is, but I caught quite a few bluegill and even a small rainbow there. They like a bobber and worm for sure, but I've gotten bites off powerbait as well. They bite a lot more the colder it gets.
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The grounds really seemed pretty clean too me... There are garbage cans in several areas, kind of around the parking lot...and the one we used, has just had a new bag put in... Saw one of the usual smashed up styro worm container on the shore of one of the ponds we fished... but, at least where we fished not much trash at all... Might be more around pond 6, as that one always seems to have more people fishing it, at least the times I have been out there...

It's just 10 or 15 minutes north of my house, so kind of nice when I just want to take the kids somewhere quick and get in some casting practice..

And a thank you to anyfishisfine for posting that map... Was really helpful in figuring out areas I wanted to try...
What do they like

What do they like

I have been fishing now for a few months. So i dont really know what fish like. I usually just use worms. Ever since i started fishing i have wanted to catch a large mouth i have been to St.Louis ponds once and i didn't catch anything. Can anyone tell me what has worked for them in the past to catch a decent sized large mouth.
caught mine on an 1/8 oz chart. beetle spin last time I was there
I have fished St Louis ponds several times, and really enjoy them. I and never caught anyting of size, but tons of stunted blue gill and several small bass. I use worms for the blue gill and top water lures for the bass. I really enjoy taking my children there it is a great place to learn. There is plenty of open areas to cast and the blue gill are constantly attacking the worms. Keeps the children intrested. I have great pictures of my daughter catching her first fish. I have talked to some people that say the ponds at one time held some good catfish but not in a long time. I fished all the ponds but weeds have taken over most of the areas.
Just not too long ago there was a record catfish taken outta one of the ponds there. They used to stock it with 'em. Been quite a while though. Id guess theres probably a few surprises in there still for the persistant fisherman with the right bait.
went there yesterday. caught some weeds.
michaelkim9582 said:
went there yesterday. caught some weeds.

Thats about all I ever catch there too.:lol:
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