So confused

Ok here goes... Oregon state will recognize me as a resident once I get my driver's liscense but they also say I can't obtain that until after 6 months, unless I have a residency here within the state which I do. They said I will become a resident since my car is registrar here, insured, and I have an appartment. Now I will be getting my driving license on tuesday *if I pass the test lol*

now you're asking why am I so confused? well its simple Fish and wildlife is a government organization operated by the state. If the state views me as a resident then I should be able to get my fishing license for in state resident now? Iowa will no longer view me as a resident once my driver license is changed to Oregon. So I would be an Oregon resident however I have not been here for 6 months? it doesn't make any sense to me :( can anyone clarify this for me?
my attempt at an explanation

my attempt at an explanation

As I'm trying to explain state laws I doubt this will "make sense" in all individual cases, but I'll try to summmarize the state's logic. It sounds like you're in a similar situation to me when I first tried to attend college as an Oregon "resident."

Since ODFW receives Oregon tax money the state sees your buying a hunting/fishing license at the resident rate as a "benefit" of Oregon residency (other citizens' tax money coming your way in the form of stocked fish, ODFW work, etc.) and they require you to go through a 6 month "buy-in" period where you're presumably working, paying oregon taxes, supporting the local economy and all that. Generally your residency starts on the move-in day of your lease or the day you close on a house, so 6 months from that date you should qualify for an in-state license.

That might not seem fair from your point of view but that's the reason behind it. My guess is that most other states have similar rules.
Thanks but most states are a 3 month resident prewait type of thing. but most states have sales tax, and i guess they figure if you have a place a valid state driving license and your car registrar then you are a resident... to me that is paying the state but oh well makes no sense to me but to others it might. Since i am required by law to registrar my car within like 30 or 60 days that shows im going to be a resident and if I change my drivers license then im going to be a resident. from what I gather what you are saying is then unemployed people shouldn't be allowed to obtain fishing/hunting license since they are not paying state taxes.
I'm not the state

I'm not the state

I'm not saying anything about who should or shouldn't be allowed to get a license based on how much they pay in taxes. I'm just trying to give you a possible explanation why the law is what it is.

Now that you're an Oregon resident you have a state rep and senator you can lobby to try and change the law. Of course now you'll be working against yourself making it cheaper for out-of-staters to crowd the water.
Most states that i have lived in, and that would be AZ, CA, MD, FL, TX, and OR, do or have required that you reside in the state for a period of time after becoming a resident there before being able to obtain a "resident" license.

I think your confusion lies in that you feel that as soon as you are a resident you qualify for a resident license. That is not the case. You first have to become a resident, which getting your driver's license will do for you, then you have to satisfy the OTHER requirement which is to actually RESIDE here for the 6 months in order to qualify for the resident license.

Do i agree with it? not really, but that seems to be the way it is most places. I think it is to cut down on the ways out of state folks can scam a resident license.
well Im a few months pass my 60 days to get my license due to insuficent funds, but I been here since october its just me moaning and growning about wanting to go fishing without having to pay 16.75 each time lol
With an oregon drivers liscensce in hand how is the guy to know how long you have been here. I lived in alaska for a few years but don't want to do the math so I wrote 24 years for how long I have been a resident and last year I wrote 23. just go to a new store with the OR ID and if they ask tell them 7 months and you are good. If they give you bs about an old out of state address tell them it took you awhile but you have been liveing in this state at your current address for 7 months and you don't know why there system says you live somewhere in Iowa 4 months ago because you were hear.
Thuggin4Life said:
With an oregon drivers liscensce in hand how is the guy to know how long you have been here. I lived in alaska for a few years but don't want to do the math so I wrote 24 years for how long I have been a resident and last year I wrote 23. just go to a new store with the OR ID and if they ask tell them 7 months and you are good. If they give you bs about an old out of state address tell them it took you awhile but you have been liveing in this state at your current address for 7 months and you don't know why there system says you live somewhere in Iowa 4 months ago because you were hear.

Oregon Licenses have a "first issued" date printed on them.
I dont have a problem waiting till april, but I will get it in april since I been here since october 25th, I have it posted so many times on this forum expessially my arrival date and very many people on here gave me a nice welcome to the state. My gf, her parents and many other people to back that up lol. I wont lie to get a sports pac early that is wrong in so many ways. I will go fishing once a month till then if need be. I just thought it to be weird one state agency says one thing and another says completely different.
Theres a weekend in april that you can fish for FREE. Dont know if that helps.
residency to hunt and fish

residency to hunt and fish

The time required to live in a state to qualify for resident hunting and fishing privileges is usually totally different than other residency requirements. The state I live in requires you to continuously reside in the state for one year before you can apply for a resident license or purchase a resident license. And during that time you cannot "enjoy" resident privileges in any other state. If, for instance, during that time you return to the state you previously lived in and purchased a resident license, the one year period starts over.

Don't lie to a license selling agent about how long you have lived in a state to obtain a hunting or fishing license. Computer searches of your states license database and comparing it to other states license databases will get you into trouble fast! You could lose your fishing (or hunting) privileges for a few years by doing that.
What? Free fishing in April???

What? Free fishing in April???

I am familiar with the annual ODFW "Free Fishing Weekend" that happens each year in JUNE.

But, where can a guy go and fish for free, in Oregon, in April? (I've never heard of that before). Please explain.

Thank you.

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