Smoking Salmon - Alder or Apple?

Swamp Puppy
I have always heard that Apple was the way to go when it came to smoking salmon. Recently however, I am hearing more and more about using Alder. So, let the debate rage if there is one. :cool: I am going to be stocking up on my wood supply in anticipation of smoking up some salmon this year (fish god's willing of course) and any input about the differences/advantages will be appreciated.
Alder is a more mild smoke flavor IMHO. Apple on the other had can be over done and might cause the meat to taste too sharp with the smoke smoke flavor. Alder would be the way to go.
I did my last batch with Alder and it was really good! Haven't tried Apple yet. (just got a smoker for Christmas) I've used Mesquite and the Alder and both were good but the Alder was better. Everytime I smoke some Salmon I also do a small batch of beef jerky and the Mesquite was better for that.
Having grown up in the deserts of arizona i am a huge fan of mesquite for everything! I figured it might be a bit too strong for salmon, but i am sure i will giving that a try. I have a ton (not literally, but close) of mesquite on the way for pretty much everything else i will be smoking.
Apple is a pork or chicken wood, I personally think it tastes horrible on any fish, Ive tried it several times and it always just mutates the fishes natural flavor, I use only Alder for fish.
Well, i have certainly seen more than enough support for Alder here and elsewhere to sway me in that direction. Thanks!
I think apple does better with chicken than pork. It works with pork too, but I'm not a big fan of the flavor.
I just did a batch two weeks ago with Alder and I did a batch last Fall with Apple and Cherry mixed...they all were great but the apple and cherry mix was done with a brown sugar brine and it was sweeter for sure...sort of Candied a bit...DB.
Apple and cherry is amazing with my sweet teriyaki brine, like was said above it gives it a nice sweet flavor. Otherwise I roll alder. I only use mesquite for beef jerky. I did it once for salmon and it was kinda wierd.
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