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think of your favorite spot to fish, like your favorite hole for steelhead or favorite trolling run for fall chinook (right at high slack), and now imagine being there on a beautiful day....and being all alone.
I dropped my 2 crab pots along the way and got to Simpson Reef about an hour after launch and I was all alone; not a single powerboat fishing on of my favorite places to visit at water level and under my power. I was expecting a "Powerboat Hatch" at about 9am but it didn't happen, the few boats I saw went by and fished further south, today it was just me and nature.
and the Ling Cod wanted to play.
this is hook set on the Ling that I kept (I released 4 others that were legal but not big enough to keep as my 2nd....), this is a trolling rod that I consider almost too stiff for fall chinook.
best was that after switching to lighter spinning gear to jig for rockfish, an absolute hulk of a teal Cabby tried to kick my ass and lost (I got the whole deal on video, plus the keeper ling and others). I did destroy my Lancer Jig in order to release it but that's cool, that fish earned it.
I ended up with the Hat Trick- a dark brown Ling, one Black Rockfish, and 6 big solid crabs. (no big 'schools' of rockfish today, just some 'gatherings' of them and lots of little ones)
bottom line, not a bad day. cheers, roger
I dropped my 2 crab pots along the way and got to Simpson Reef about an hour after launch and I was all alone; not a single powerboat fishing on of my favorite places to visit at water level and under my power. I was expecting a "Powerboat Hatch" at about 9am but it didn't happen, the few boats I saw went by and fished further south, today it was just me and nature.
and the Ling Cod wanted to play.
this is hook set on the Ling that I kept (I released 4 others that were legal but not big enough to keep as my 2nd....), this is a trolling rod that I consider almost too stiff for fall chinook.
best was that after switching to lighter spinning gear to jig for rockfish, an absolute hulk of a teal Cabby tried to kick my ass and lost (I got the whole deal on video, plus the keeper ling and others). I did destroy my Lancer Jig in order to release it but that's cool, that fish earned it.
I ended up with the Hat Trick- a dark brown Ling, one Black Rockfish, and 6 big solid crabs. (no big 'schools' of rockfish today, just some 'gatherings' of them and lots of little ones)
bottom line, not a bad day. cheers, roger
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