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Today, I got my a** totally handed to me today by a huge coho on Siltcoos...the morning started cold with some big rain squalls, so I suited up and hit the lake early in the kayak, by 1pm I had put in 5 hours of pedaling and fishing all our favorite casting spots near shore and trolled to the Fiddle Creek Arm and back and absolutely no action. So I'm working my way down the west shore in rain/sun/hail/sun..and I've accepted that with no sign of coho, I just need to enjoy the rest of the day.
Then I get back to our favorite casting bay, working near shore between wood pilings, I cast to some lilly pads, retrieve 10 feet and the lure stops dead, like it hit a log, then a little shake, like it is sliding on a weed, then all hell breaks loose! This monster takes off and heads between 2 pilings and I am tightening the drag like crazy to turn it before it reaches a dock and I do get it stopped but it starts pulling me and the kayak through some broken off pilings. No worries, focus, I make a bit of progress but it has different ideas and takes off for a boat and dock and as it gets closer I have no choice but to try and turn it by grabbing the spool and it's getting under the dock and snap...12pound CXX Xtra Strong leader finally breaks (at well above it tensile strength)...and I am sitting there in my kayak thinking "full marks my friend, you owned me from the start and handed me my a** and I hope you make it to the spawning grounds and pass your genetics along to the next generation so that I can battle with them several years from now".
Then I get back to our favorite casting bay, working near shore between wood pilings, I cast to some lilly pads, retrieve 10 feet and the lure stops dead, like it hit a log, then a little shake, like it is sliding on a weed, then all hell breaks loose! This monster takes off and heads between 2 pilings and I am tightening the drag like crazy to turn it before it reaches a dock and I do get it stopped but it starts pulling me and the kayak through some broken off pilings. No worries, focus, I make a bit of progress but it has different ideas and takes off for a boat and dock and as it gets closer I have no choice but to try and turn it by grabbing the spool and it's getting under the dock and snap...12pound CXX Xtra Strong leader finally breaks (at well above it tensile strength)...and I am sitting there in my kayak thinking "full marks my friend, you owned me from the start and handed me my a** and I hope you make it to the spawning grounds and pass your genetics along to the next generation so that I can battle with them several years from now".
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