Saturday Siltcoos ho down

Finally shook the skunk this weekend. We got over there Friday and managed to get 2 hours in on the Maple Cr arm. Very few fish rolling but quite a few on the sonar. Caught nothing. Back at Maple before daylight. Spent all morning rotating from trolling to casting. Nothing. JeannaJigs & Thuggin cruised by at mid morning. No luck for them either. We pulled out and trolled the East bank near the Ada lodge for a while. Still nothing. Decided to head up the Fiddle Cr arm. Saw a lot of fish rolling but nobody catching anything. About 3:00 we saw the first fish caught. Then another, then another and another. Starting to feel hope. About 4:00 my wife hollars out "got one". I about came out of my shoes. Holy smokes!! By the way it was fighting I could tell it was a good fish and then it broke the surface. It's a big one! He came right into the net nicely. Got him bonked bleeded and tagged and back at it to fill my tag. 20 minutes later, FISH ON. Same spot, same plug. Put up a heck of a fight with a couple short runs. Got him in the boat with a nice tail splash shower. Party over!
Wifes was 35" and 16lbs. and very bright and clean. Mine was 31" and 11lbs. starting to get some color and covered with sea lice. More than I have ever seen. Awesome day. Tried again for a while today with no luck. Rumor has it that JeannaJigs and Thuggin put a couple in the boat also.
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Sick fish bro! Good you got into them with your last report being on the down side. You deserved them!!

We hit the slaw today and got two really nice Silvers, maybe in the 15 pound range? they both looked like your wife's fish, but we released them without netting. No nooks for us or for the other folks we spoke with. I'm still looking for another big King... Kind of slow except for the Coho.

Nice work,
Sweet! Nice fish!!!
Hey it was good seeing you out there man. Nice looking fish. So just think what you did this weekend compared to your ussual routine. Thats the secret. and a bit of what i said on the water and the variety pack. ABout the rumors though.... don't forget that bfishing was in the boat.
Aslo NWK was out there with his tribe. Think they was doing a full on salmon assault with multiple lacations on the itinerary.
Not sure. I was only doing one thing different and I don't think I was even using it at that time. Maybe just dumb luck. Hmm. Who knows. Either way it was a Joyful day.
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Hi Mike ! Great job ! The fish are in the lake and it is going to be a great season. The fish are big this year. We have a lot of 3 and 4 year fish coming in. The other day I caught a 14 # Fin Cliipped hen on the North Fork of the Siulsaw. The fish that we put in 4 years ago are coming in the river. Our STEP group is doing a great job !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tahkenitch also will have a lot of big fish this year. I hope you got my e-mail about the lures. Yes Mazamas is carrying our lures. I did a seminar on October 13, about the Coho on the lakes. Stop by at Mazamas and get the Hot Pink and Black Glitter Dancin Diver plug that we make. One hot plug for Coho on the lakes. Please send me some pictures of the fish.
Dean ( Salmon Whammy )
Thanks Dean. I stopped by Mazamas and picked up a few on Friday before leaving town but they need more medium Sonic Bells over there. I got the last one.
How did you do on the river this weekend?
35'' silver is one heck of a fish.
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Beautiful fish! Looks like you both did a great job.
sick weekend. No. Literally. I was in misery sick all weekend. That's why I was just sitting around probably looking irritated all weekend and just kinda mumbling lol. Glad you finally got into a nice pair. Ours were little, but they still died nonetheless.
I was wondering what was up with you. At one point it looked like you were sleeping. Well you survived and even put a couple in the boat. Good seeing you guys on the water and I am sure we will meet again before the year is over. In fact I will be there Saturday.
I was curled up wishing for a quick death at one point while we were trolling up there, I thought I was gonna vomit. Not sure what I got, kinda symptomatic of the flu, major head cold with nausea/vomitting. I shoulda stayed home....but i'm stupid. Not sure when I'll get back out there, no weekends off...
JeannaJigs said:
I was curled up wishing for a quick death at one point while we were trolling up there, I thought I was gonna vomit. Not sure what I got, kinda symptomatic of the flu, major head cold with nausea/vomitting. I shoulda stayed home....but i'm stupid. Not sure when I'll get back out there, no weekends off...

Oh man. Been there, done that a couple times during hunting trips. It sucks and isn't worth it.
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Nice goin Mike.
mikeredding said:
Oh man. Been there, done that a couple times during hunting trips. It sucks and isn't worth it.

Yeah it really wasn't worth it. Just got sent home from work. So sick. It was my ONLY weekend I've had off to go camping at all since I started this job the first of June, so I was looking forward to it so much, and then Thursday night it hit me, but I didn't want to back out at the last minute since I was driving and towing the boat. So my stubborn ass didn't listen to common sense and I paid the price. Got a small fish, nothin to write home about. Camped at a rad campsite but had raccoons raid my drug bag so didn't have any cold meds until I found them in the bushes later around noon or so back at camp Saturday.

Someday I won't be so "fish or die" and will actually take care of myself first...someday.

Pretty rad that you guys got into those fatties though, I know you've been trying for a bit.
JeannaJigs said:
Pretty rad that you guys got into those fatties though, I know you've been trying for a bit.

Thanks we were pretty stoked. Put in a lot of hours with no results so it felt pretty good to put a mark on each tag.
16 lb hoho nice!
Great Job bro&sis.

Both these fish are beautiful.

Good job.......Gonna set my sights on me one since trout closes soon.

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