Salem local fishing spots

I am new to the Salem area and I am wondering if there is anyone who would like to go fishing and maybe show me the local haunts. I think the North
Santiam is the best bet or the Molalla as they are both relatively close. I am looking for "close to home" fishing spots for when I don't wish to travel. It would be great to meet some people to fish with. Thanks for reading...:think:
what are you looking to catch?
If you'd be interested in warmwater species, try Minto Brown Park in SW Salem near the Willy.

The North Santiam isn't far, nor is the main stem Santiam. Big Cliff and Detroit reservoirs are not far either. If you're into hiking a bit; there's Rickreall Creek above Dallas. And the Yamhill River has all kinds of fish in the lower stretches.
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tomriker said:
what are you looking to catch?

I guess I should have mentioned I am after salmon and steelhead...
madasahab said:
I guess I should have mentioned I am after salmon and steelhead...

In a few months you could plunk for salmon at Emil Marx-Lloyd Strange County Park, aka "Social Security Hole", between Salem and Independence. Watch the Willamette Falls fish counts to see when that picks up. Those fish and summer steelhead go up the tributaries including the Santiams. Then just look for bank access at all the bridges and parks up the Santiam and see what others are doing. Just follow the trails.
troutdude said:
...... there's Rickreall Creek above Dallas........

(TD, sssshhhhhhhhhh we're not supposed to talk about that place :doh:)

Rickreall Creek, where's that. Never heard of it. Must not be very good. Probably don't want to go over that way unless you are into catching old tires, stinky boots, and getting yelled at by crotchedy old women.

Nothin' good up that way at all, no sireeee. :naughty: Probably just want to steer clear of that little mud puddle. Nothing to see there. :whistle:

troutdude said:
.....And the Yamhill River has all kinds of fish in the lower stretches.

That river is a GREAT!!!! river for trout fishing if I ever did say so myself!! Wonderful!! Rickreall ain't got nothin' on the Yamhill River!! Just sayin'. :D

If salmon is what you are into, then Rickreall is not going to suit your style. You could always try a coastal stream/river if you are willing to drive a little ways.

Good luck and enjoy the Salmon. :D


.......Just to make sure it was clear, Rickreall is nothing special, just a little mud creek with chubs, shiners, and nasty old boots.

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Spydeyrch said:
(TD, sssshhhhhhhhhh we're not supposed to talk about that place :doh:)

Rickreall Creek, where's that. Never heard of it. Must not be very good. Probably don't want to go over that way unless you are into catching old tires, stinky boots, and getting yelled at by crotchedy old women.

Nothin' good up that way at all, no sireeee. :naughty: Probably just want to steer clear of that little mud puddle. Nothing to see there. :whistle:

That river is a GREAT!!!! river for trout fishing if I ever did say so myself!! Wonderful!! Rickreall ain't got nothin' on the Yamhill River!! Just sayin'. :D

If salmon is what you are into, then Rickreall is not going to suit your style. You could always try a coastal stream/river if you are willing to drive a little ways.

Good luck and enjoy the Salmon. :D


.......Just to make sure it was clear, Rickreall is nothing special, just a little mud creek with chubs, shiners, and nasty old boots.

so what you're saying is that Rickreall Creek is no good? LOL
madasahab said:
so what you're saying is that Rickreall Creek is no good? LOL

yeah that place sucks..there are no fish in it at all... endangered salmonids inhabit it different times of year and they are protected and illegal to fish for. trout opens may26th but i wouldn't waste your time.. it's all warm froggy water with a bunch of suckers and garbage all over the banks.. . the north santiam is your best local bet for winter steelhead when the water levels are right, all the fish are wild so handle with care! springers wont show up an any local water for a few months
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brandon4455 said:
yeah that place sucks..there are no fish in it at all... endangered salmonids inhabit it different times of year and they are protected and illegal to fish for. trout opens may28th but i wouldn't waste your time.. it's all warm froggy water with a bunch of suckers and garbage all over the banks.. . the north santiam is your best local bet for winter steelhead when the water levels are right, all the fish are wild so handle with care!
Thanks for posting a real response and being honest and helpful. I figure the best bets as far as close are the North Santiam(maybe the south) and the Molalla. Other wise it's the coast or the clack or sandy I suppose. When does the North turn on for winters? Seemed dead yesterday...
it is a late season fishery, any time now until mid april there will be winters around to fish for, The coast is a better idea then the molalla, although fish are caught there it seems success is some what limited on that river for many people. try the siletz river around moonshine park if your going coastal
also the middle section of rickreall honestly use to be good trout fishing but due to flow issues from the dam and high water temps a lot of fish have migrated or died off..very unfortunate because it kills the salmon and steelhead smolts too if you have any other questions about the rickreall system i would be happy to answer them for you in a private message
also forgot to mention, once may/ june rolls around watch fish counts at the falls to determine which time you want to start fishing for spring chinook and summer steel on the north, im sure if santiamdrifter sees this he will chime in and give you some advice on that river as well
brandon4455 said:
it is a late season fishery, any time now until mid april there will be winters around to fish for, The coast is a better idea then the molalla, although fish are caught there it seems success is some what limited on that river for many people. try the siletz river around moonshine park if your going coastal

Thanks man...think I will go coastal until some start to show in numbers on the N Santiam...I was thinking of hitting the Siletz and maybe the Alsea or north fork Alsea...
siletz and nestucca will be the best coastal rivers that are closer to you
Figure I'll just continue this thread rather than open another one, if you guys don't mind. I'm in the Salem/Dallas/Independence/Monmouth area and really only able to do lake fishing, trout mostly, maybe bass but I've never even tried for them before. I don't have much experience in fishing but I love going whenever I get the chance. Bein that my wife's out of state and I don't work tonight, I'm lookin at casting my line out a few times. Does anyone have good info on some local areas around here? Anything would be appreciated, and thanks in advance!
they stock huddleston and sheridan ponds out in that area not far from dallas, they also stock the south yamhill river. outside monmouth towards corvallis off 99 they stock e.e wilson pond often, check the odfw website stocking schedules to get to these ares when they are freshly stocked. e.e wilson is your best bet closest to home right now.

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