Reed Island - how to get there

New member
Hello everyone.
I live in Northwest Washington and am unlikely to make it to the Columbia to fish, but thought I'd join the forum to ask for your advice.

My wife and I are on a quest to visit all the state parks in Washington, but find ourselves stumped by Reed Island. How can we get there? I own a small rowing dinghy, but is there a launching ramp close by? What about the current in the river? I can probably row about 2 mph.

If using my dinghy is not feasible, is there a place I can rent a small skiff in the Camas/Washougal area?

Thanks for any ideas you may have.
Try Washington FISHING FORUM! Says Tony
Cool to know, Reed Island is the Southern most point in WA.

Paying attention to the wind and tide, you could row over in your dingy. Early Fall would be your best time.

Fun quest. Which WA state park has been your favorite? Why?
Snopro said:
Cool to know, Reed Island is the Southern most point in WA.

Paying attention to the wind and tide, you could row over in your dingy. Early Fall would be your best time.

Fun quest. Which WA state park has been your favorite? Why?
Well, it's hard to beat our local favorite, Deception Pass, but another we found very nice was Field Springs State Park, in the far southeast corner of the state overlooking the Snake and Grand Ronde river valleys.
plumbertom said:
Thanks. I have Navionics on my phone, but didn't know of the web site. Unfortunately, it doesn't tell me how fast the current is, or how the current relates to the tides. Here in Puget Sound there's not an obvious correlation between the time the tide changes and the time of slack water. Don't know if the Columbia behaves better.
A good tide app should have locations like Camas or Rooster Rock. I know it shuts off the current to almost nothing in the Fall, up to at least Dalton point.
Thanks for your help everyone. I'll use the tide chart. Hopefully, I'll be able to get tidal help both coming and going.
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