Oh man am I jealous!
I came out to yachats on Thursday and the water was so rough and full of junk I kept getting tangled, on top of not having any experience or knowing where to try. Went clamming this morning and got a ton and heard about an especially good spot to try near Waldport as we were leaving, but I'm sun/wind burned enough I am not up for trying for more perch today.
I stopped by The Sportsman and picked up some squid, but the guy working in there was a crusty SOB who answered everything I asked by flying into a rant about sea lions..
bythesea, would you mind sharing any tips or locations you'd recommend someone try for perch next time? If you're leery about your special spots I understand but I would really appreciate some tips on where to try to go next time or maybe tomorrow before I head back to Eugene if I'm not too burnt.