Pikeminnow season...$$

Just saw this on KATU's website.
Good luck to you that give it a shot. Hope you make a pile of money...then take me fishing in your new boat. :D :lol:
Map,tips and rules links included.
"Pikeminnows are voracious - they eat millions of young salmon and steelhead every year - and the program was put into place back in 1991 to keep their population down."

Then later...

"There are also specially tagged fish worth $500."

So, the point of the bounty is to encourage people to help get rid of these salmon/steelhead predators, yet the 'powers that be' presumably catch some, tag them, then LET THEM GO?

Cracks me up...
ChezJfrey said:
"There are also specially tagged fish worth $500."

So, the point of the bounty is to encourage people to help get rid of these salmon/steelhead predators, yet the 'powers that be' presumably catch some, tag them, then LET THEM GO?

Cracks me up...

Me to!! lol
:lol: yeah, thought it was crazy,too. I guess it's an incentive thing...wonder if anyone has ever caught a tagged fish?
Raincatcher said:
:lol: yeah, thought it was crazy,too. I guess it's an incentive thing...wonder if anyone has ever caught a tagged fish?

The only tagged fish i caught, have been steelhead and cutthroat trout!! I would show them the fish, get my money and ask to keep the tag!!! once in a life time chance right there! haha
I think the reason they tag and release them is not only to provide incentive but to also help understand the movements and patterns of a native fish species.
the_intimidator03 said:
I think the reason they tag and release them is not only to provide incentive but to also help understand the movements and patterns of a native fish species.

Pretty much that. It not only adds incentive but helps them understand their movement, growth rates, and population size. It's your basic mark and recapture study, but your pay paying fishermen to do it for you.

Can any1 on here tell me why this program is only on the Columbia?

i have been catching and feeding the crawdads a few of these this year on the Mollala. i would think they would have this program in effect on the Willamette to make it fully effective.
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It's only in effect on the Columbia because of the dams. The pikeminnows are a native fish but when the dams were put in place they started to thrive in the waters behind the dams. Hope this helps.
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ok thanks for the quick reply.

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