ODFW take notes!

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As with the WDFW, the Freshwater Fisheries Society of BC knows how to share a ton of useful information.

I didn't really see anything important. All that I need to know, is already available on the ODFW site. Why are you slamming ODFW on this subject/topic?
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I think they could do better in producing a product many of their customers want. They have the data, they need to be transparent and share it. Not sure how that's "slamming"?

I'm happy what they offer works for you, but some of us could use more info.
Guess it was the header "ODFW Take Notes!" that caused to feel it was a slam. But perhaps I read too much into it? If that's the case I apologize.

What more info would you need...besides dates, places, number, and size of projected plantings?
troutdude said:
What more info would you need...besides dates, places, number, and size of projected plantings?
Nothing, if you remove the word projected.

I've beat this horse long enough. I'm done.🥳
Well no one can totally guarantee when a stocking has actually been completed. Employees call in sick and/or ODFW is maybe understaffed, trucks occasionally break down, bad weather, etc. can all delay or cancel a projected planting. I'd have doubts that it's any better in Washington, or anywhere else.

However, I totally get it. I've traveled to places over the years where I expected it to be stocked. Only to find zero fish. It's frustrating for sure. So I--among many others I am sure--do wish that ODFW would restart their stocking confirmation phone recordings again.
troutdude said:
Well no one can totally guarantee when a stocking has actually been completed. Employees call in sick and/or ODFW is maybe understaffed, trucks occasionally break down, bad weather, etc. can all delay or cancel a projected planting. I'd have doubts that it's any better in Washington, or anywhere else.
Sure they can. Fish stocker dumps fish in lake, reports the info to WDFW, they put it on the web. If it doesn't happen, it doesn't go up. The scenario you're describing is the problem with only having projected plants.

You liked the phone confirmation? Confirmation data for the whole state, at a glance online, feels more efficient to me.

Crazy thing about all this is I don't even care, outside of trying to get my nephew hooked up with brood trout or steelhead. Kid is over anything smaller.
Snopro said:
Sure they can. Fish stocker dumps fish in lake, reports the info to WDFW, they put it on the web. If it doesn't happen, it doesn't go up. The scenario you're describing is the problem with only having projected plants.

You liked the phone confirmation? Confirmation data for the whole state, at a glance online, feels more efficient to me.

Crazy thing about all this is I don't even care, outside of trying to get my nephew hooked up with brood trout or steelhead. Kid is over anything smaller.
Okay, I see what you mean. It would indeed be even nicer to have it posted online, to confirm. Phone confirmation was good, for it's time, but using today's technology would seem more streamlined.

ODFW, if you aren't already aware, has been stocking NICE "trophy" sized nowadays. Last year I hauled 6 trout out of Hagg Lake. I released the 16 incher; and kept 5 that were 17-19" each. And they fought VERY nicely! It was a lot of fun--and I'd bet that your little one would love it!
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