ODFW charges something for nothing

Well-known member
I happen to know this board is frequented by several ODFW employees, I CANNOT BELIEVE.... that you now think that boat launch on the Kilchis is now worth a parking fee... You are very fortunate I loaned my chain to my brother, otherwise your fee box would have been on the front porch of your office this morning. So in closing, until you dump around 75 yards of crushed gravel and run a grater through the so called parking lot, and use a level on the filthy crooked honey bucket I will not pay your $3 bucks... you cannot charge something..... for nothing... :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::naughty:
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Hey, hilibuthitman, you sound really upset (there is nothing wrong with that) but the way you put your post together, the selection of words is... (I just can't find the proper word). I believe that if you don't like something it's not just ok to post about it, it's like you have to post about it, it gives a chance that you are not alone, and together you could solve the problem. But do it the way that could solve the problem, not the way that will bring another problems ;)
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cloverdale boat ramp on the nestucca charges 3 bucks now as of march 3rd..ide love to hear someone from odfw come on this board and explain their position..i can't believe we keep getting charged for every little piddly thing that goes along with fishing.if theyere charging to keep the honey bucket let me know i got a buddy who would drop one off and maintain it for free.odfw is completely ridiculous to charge for parking..
So it's not one boat launch but a bunch of them? I thought that ODFW gets what it needs by setting the price of a fishing license & a tag. It looks like they decided that they need more. :think:
halibuthitman said:
I happen to know this board is frequented by several ODFW employees, I CANNOT BELIEVE.... that you now think that boat launch on the Kilchis is now worth a parking fee... You are very fortunate I loaned my chain to my brother, otherwise your fee box would have been on the front porch of your office this morning. So in closing, until you dump around 75 yards of crushed gravel and run a grater through the so called parking lot, and use a level on the filthy crooked honey bucket I will not pay your $3 bucks... you cannot charge something..... for nothing... :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::naughty:

I agree with ya man, even though I dont have a boat we might end up this year hitting the water together and why does ODFW get to charge for boat launches when you are parking on crap that can tear up your trailer, and vechicle? That is crazy! do they own that land? if so then I guess they can charge anything they want but if they dont then forget about it! If its state owned then the state needs to fix their roads thats what taxes are for, but I could also see it as a fee to improve that landing is what I would be okay with if they do it...IF...
breaking news, I put a lawyer on it.... and its NOT fish and game, its Tillamook county parks and rec... and they are getting a call from a lawyer after lunch.. I sincerely apologize to odfw to jumping to conclusions but you have to admit its an easy thing to expect. I know complaining about $3 bucks is kindy puny... but so many outdoorsman rob the ash tray change in their wives car and return all their cans just for gas money, $3 bucks to park in a mud puddle with a crooked falling down sign and a crapper thats too dirty that you would never let your daughter use is unacceptable. They are about to spend some serious money, or take down the pay stations. I will not let this slide. Anatoly, thank you for changing this title for me... couldn't figure out how.
halibuthitman said:
I happen to know this board is frequented by several ODFW employees, I CANNOT BELIEVE.... that you now think that boat launch on the Kilchis is now worth a parking fee... You are very fortunate I loaned my chain to my brother, otherwise your fee box would have been on the front porch of your office this morning. So in closing, until you dump around 75 yards of crushed gravel and run a grater through the so called parking lot, and use a level on the filthy crooked honey bucket I will not pay your $3 bucks... you cannot charge something..... for nothing... :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::naughty:

Well if you’re going to do that you might want to talk to ODF rather than assume. But I guess if you don’t post it then what is the point of an open forum. Hopefully ODF gets the point and does something about it. Man I could go on about times I have been stuck or been with someone who has gotten me stuck but ill save that for later. Way to get the message out that the are more than one boat ramp that sucks.
halibuthitman said:
Anatoly, thank you for changing this title for me... couldn't figure out how.
You bet. And good job. It's not about $3, if you don't do anything about it, tomorrow you may wake up in a country where you have to buy a license for air and pay taxes for sun shine.
halibuthitman said:
breaking news, I put a lawyer on it.... and its NOT fish and game, its Tillamook county parks and rec... and they are getting a call from a lawyer after lunch.. I sincerely apologize to odfw to jumping to conclusions but you have to admit its an easy thing to expect. I know complaining about $3 bucks is kindy puny... but so many outdoorsman rob the ash tray change in their wives car and return all their cans just for gas money, $3 bucks to park in a mud puddle with a crooked falling down sign and a crapper thats too dirty that you would never let your daughter use is unacceptable. They are about to spend some serious money, or take down the pay stations. I will not let this slide. Anatoly, thank you for changing this title for me... couldn't figure out how.

I know what you mean. I have been collecting change and taking in pop cans for my fishing licesnse Im up to like $10.50 within one week and I have 7 weeks left to go to get 93 dollars for my fishing liscense tags and what not!
There is a park at Brownlee (snake river) that charges to launch boats. However, I'm sure that when Idaho Power built the dams they were required to put in and maintain boat launches for the public........... not sure what this is about!
keep us posted halibuthitman!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I went to 3 maybe 4 boat ramps around Tillamook County and every single one had the fee box up, and everyone had torn up parking lots and pretty much no services other than outhouses! I assumed that once you pay the 3 bucks it's good for all of them, cuz I sure aint gonna pay 3.00 bucks at every one to cast my line in for a few minutes! There were signs posted saying that Tillamook Parks lost all there funding! They still shouldn't charge for the lousy job they do maintaining the launches! There making some decent money of this thing and I'm sure they aren't putting it straight back into these launches. The fisherman are paying for a big chunk of ALL of Tillamook's Parks!
More Government fees

More Government fees

This $3.00 Fee plus the shuttle charges are part of the reason I'm selling my little drift boat!!. By the time I drive to Tillamook County and pay all the expenses it cost me $50.00 each trip.:shock: Gas for truck, food, shuttle fee, parking fee and fishing gear...Oh and Ice to keep the fish cold on the way home!! That's part of why I bought the Aluminum and motor. A season pass at Hagg Lake for me is $35.00 and it's only 17 miles from home. Plus I'll have room for more of my fishing buddies. :clap:

Maybe Tillamook county thinks they need to collect a years worth of fees before they can afford to improve the parking lots!!!:lol:

Just my two scents worth!

I should have posted more sooner.... I spoke with the powers that be at both fish and game and T. parks dept. The man in charge for odfw was very willing to talk and explain the whole show. The property of the launches are owned by odfw, through an interagency deal tillmook parks was supposed to maintain the grounds, and funding was provided by odfw, tillmook parks has not lived up to the aggreement and odfw cut off the funding... fish and game is as upset with the sites conditions as well. The $3 is supposed to go solely to improving these sites and the individual at fish and game welcomed my continued imput on the conditions of the facilitys, odfw has given the county until next spring to bring the sites up to par, or they will farm it out privately. I told him I though they should fix up the sites and then add the fees to maintain them, he agreed.. but tillmook parks cannot afford to do it. I will be sticking to this like stink on a diaper..... and the money WILL be used to fix them, or im gonna file a lawsuite against the parks dept next spring.
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