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This Friday at their Salem headquarters the ODF&W commissioners will be voting on the Columbia River salmon plan aka the Kitzhaber Plan. The plan originally called for the removal of all gillnet operations from the main Columbia River by 2017. That year has arrived and the Commission is balking at removing the gillnets. Washington's' version of ODF&W, on January 14th removed the gillnets for the spring and summer chinook runs but left then in for the fall run up river from the Longview area for 2017 and 2018. I expect Oregon to do likewise. The reasons given are, if the nets go in above Longview the lower Columbia Tule stock will be less likely affected. The seine net system has not worked out as they thought and the mortality rate is high for steelhead and wild fish. Sport fishermen are unable to catch enough fish to keep hatchery fish off the spawning beds. This is one reason the Mitchel act hatcheries on the Columbia are cutting back in some areas on chinook production. I make no claim that these are valid reason. I'm just reporting what I have found out as to why the ODF&W folks are not removing the nets as set out in SB 830.
Some sports folks see this as a real stab in the back. They have been paying the Columbia River Enhancement for several years. They have been shut out of Youngs Bay, and have been required to use barbless hook in the Columbia System since 2013. The pay back was to limit gillnets to the side channels that have been set aside for the gillnet fleet beginning in 2017.
The good news is that the ODF&W Staff have recommended eliminating the Youngs Bay Closure area, that is opening it back up to recreational fishermen. It should be an interesting meeting, and I'm going to step away from my cozy wood stove, head down to Salem and attend. I'll post their decision here after the meeting
Some sports folks see this as a real stab in the back. They have been paying the Columbia River Enhancement for several years. They have been shut out of Youngs Bay, and have been required to use barbless hook in the Columbia System since 2013. The pay back was to limit gillnets to the side channels that have been set aside for the gillnet fleet beginning in 2017.
The good news is that the ODF&W Staff have recommended eliminating the Youngs Bay Closure area, that is opening it back up to recreational fishermen. It should be an interesting meeting, and I'm going to step away from my cozy wood stove, head down to Salem and attend. I'll post their decision here after the meeting