I have done colliding rivers in august. I just have everyone get out of the boat and i float through it alone. They can walk down the rocks on the left. Now i really want to go ! Might go anyway have friday off...
cobias said:
I have done colliding rivers in august. I just have everyone get out of the boat and i float through it alone. They can walk down the rocks on the left. Now i really want to go ! Might go anyway have friday off...
be safe cobias through thier we have had enough threads about flipping boats already this year.I am sure your fine on the sticks so just a reminder for you.
Mad dog
dtikey said:
thats a good float but river getting pretty low might start to get tough getting through colliding rivers.
It would be a tough 10 miles of fishing!!! Lot's of moss floating down the river right now, too low to side-drift, plugging would be a ***** with the moss, what are ya gonna do? Fish off of the anchor one hole at a time for 10 miles? The springers will be few and far between down there by now! Personally, I would rather focus on one or 2 high yield steelhead holes than 10 miles of water in a hot driftboat!
Buttpucker Hahahah sounds about right. But cobias thanks for offering really drift boats make me nervous though haha in fact I'm not sure if I'm even gonna go now I can't find anyone willing to tag along