New to winter fishing

New member
Hey all,
I recently moved up here (albany/lebanon area) from Southern California and am having trouble fishing during colder weather. I had a few good warm and sunny months bass fishing when I first got here but since it’s gotten colder and rainier I’ve had absolutely no luck.

Are there any good winter fishing spots? What are good lures or baits to use for winter? Do I need to give up on bass for now? Any tips or spots you’re willing to share would be immensely appreciated.
Thank you!
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Winter Steelhead!
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My bassin' buddy--who C & R's over 200 smallies a year at Green Peter and/or Foster--parks his boat in the garage and quits fishing, at the end of September every year. 10-4?

If you have a fishing vessel, you'd be better off slowly trolling for trout in those lakes. Or switching gears, and chase Winter Steel per @pcstock's recommendation above. Those fish are now on the run, and heading upstream. Which, largely speaking, is a Coastal stream game.

FYI Quartzville Creek (above Green Peter) is open year round for trout fishing. And bait is allowed.
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The riprap along the Columbia almost always produces, even in the cold. Head up to Cascade Locks.

Also you could try The Umpqua south Fork.
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not bass, but the lakes they stock with trout often produce through the winter. Especially true for the lakes that get a fall stocking in addition to the loads that get dumped in the spring. I know I've got some December trout out of foster in the past. Hagg lake is another year round fishery. Trolling small lures or wedding ring type rigs tipped with powerboat/gulp seems to work.
pcstock said:
The riprap along the Columbia almost always produces, even in the cold. Head up to Cascade Locks.

Also you could try The Umpqua south Fork.
Both superb ideas. The Umpqua is very well known for mass quantities of smallies.

However neither the Umpqua, nor that stretch of the Columbia, are close to where the OP lives.

EDIT: @pcstock just wanted to mention the distance thing, since the OP is new to our area.
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Is the Yaquina River any good? That’s the closest coastal stream that I see. Most likely would go around elk city or Toledo. Im trying to find places close to me (I’m in Albany). I’ve fished Waverly and timber linn lake as well as freeway lakes and some places along the Willamette river in Albany. I try to go to places that aren’t extremely pressured. Waverly or timber linn lake are a bit too busy/pressured for me personally.
After looking and reading more threads on here I think I’m going to try the Alsea river! I found a park on google earth just under an hour away.

I know nobody wants to give up their spots and I completely understand that. I’m more so just hoping for winter fishing locations (such as lakes,rivers, etc). I’m completely new to winter fishing as I grew up in Southern California.
Thank y’all for the advice and suggestions!
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Alsea river and North Fork Alsea are known for winter steelhead.
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NewtoOR299 said:
Is the Yaquina River any good? That’s the closest coastal stream that I see. Most likely would go around elk city or Toledo. Im trying to find places close to me (I’m in Albany). I’ve fished Waverly and timber linn lake as well as freeway lakes and some places along the Willamette river in Albany. I try to go to places that aren’t extremely pressured. Waverly or timber linn lake are a bit too busy/pressured for me personally.
After looking and reading more threads on here I think I’m going to try the Alsea river! I found a park on google earth just under an hour away.

I know nobody wants to give up their spots and I completely understand that. I’m more so just hoping for winter fishing locations (such as lakes,rivers, etc). I’m completely new to winter fishing as I grew up in Southern California.
Thank y’all for the advice and suggestions!
FYI, since warmwater fishing is pretty much nill, during the winter, it's time for steelhead fishing (or trout fishing in our lakes, most of which are open year round). However...if you don't like highly pressured fishing may not like winter steelhead fishing. It's what I often refer to as "combat fishing". In the best places, you'll likely be nearly shoulder to shoulder with others. Go during the week, if you can, and it'll be a bit better.
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troutdude said:
FYI, since warmwater fishing is pretty much nill, during the winter

I know it's not officially Winter yet but the Columbia is still going strong. Caught a bunch last Thursday. Water temp is still upper 40's. Willing to bet I can still pull good numbers after 12/21.
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Snopro said:
I know it's not officially Winter yet but the Columbia is still going strong. Caught a bunch last Thursday. Water temp is still upper 40's. Willing to bet I can still pull good numbers after 12/21.
Catching bass or what were you catching?
NewtoOR299 said:
Catching bass or what were you catching?
Bass and a bunch of trophy Pikeminnow 🤣
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I have to admit...when they get in the 3-5 lb range, they're kind of fun.
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Snopro said:
I have to admit...when they get in the 3-5 lb range, they're kind of fun.
I haven’t gotten any that big yet! I caught maybe a 1.5-2 pounder on my micro set up and it was pretty fun

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