New seat base for 2013 Nucanoe Frontier

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Like many folks who have them, I love my Frontier but I am disappointed at the flex in the swivel seat bases that came with it. I saw some pretty nice solutions on the Nucanoe forums and they inspired me to try one of my own. The wood solutions all seem nice, but I thought aluminum might have a few less long term worries so I made an built a base out of two 1" (1/16" wall thickness) aluminum bars (from Home Depot).

I used stainless steel nuts and bolts with locktite to hold everything together. It is not fancy so no need for step by step. Here is a couple of pics of the result.



The bolts holding the cross pieces are too long. I will either hacksaw them short or buy some shorter ones. For now I will just leave them.

I have not had it out on the water, but I could directly compare the flex with the existing seat base (still on the front). It is very stiff and lighter than the original base. Plus I think the openness may end up providing me with some opportunities to do something interesting in the future (or not). The cost for the materials was ~$45.

I will report back after I fish out of it a few times and let you all know if I like it or plan on any improvements.
thanks for the updates on your Frontier and looking forward to more of your good ideas.
I may be over in Bend this Sept. and they have a dealer their and I will stop by and check out the Nucanoes. Jay
Nice work bass.
Great idea Bass.
I copied this from a Dealer

Since your talking inventive ways to customize.
bass said:
Like many folks who have them, I love my Frontier but I am disappointed at the flex in the swivel seat bases that came with it. I saw some pretty nice solutions on the Nucanoe forums and they inspired me to try one of my own. The wood solutions all seem nice, but I thought aluminum might have a few less long term worries so I made an built a base out of two 1" (1/16" wall thickness) aluminum bars (from Home Depot).

I used stainless steel nuts and bolts with locktite to hold everything together. It is not fancy so no need for step by step. Here is a couple of pics of the result.



The bolts holding the cross pieces are too long. I will either hacksaw them short or buy some shorter ones. For now I will just leave them.

I have not had it out on the water, but I could directly compare the flex with the existing seat base (still on the front). It is very stiff and lighter than the original base. Plus I think the openness may end up providing me with some opportunities to do something interesting in the future (or not). The cost for the materials was ~$45.

I will report back after I fish out of it a few times and let you all know if I like it or plan on any improvements.

excellent, nice job and report. the seat base flex in those is boats is a big topic, I remember seeing it when I was researching small boats...I like your solution and have used the same sort of Al bars for boat projects before, work great especially if like you did, SS hardware is used.
Thanks guys, I was pretty pleased with how well it came out. I just ordered a 6' bar (1" width, 1/8" thick) from Amazon for $22.83 to make a second base. I will cut it as 2', 2', 1', 1'. It should be even stronger given the thicker material. I think that the price for the base will be well under $30.

That is a nice looking accessory base/dock Chromatose! I am torn on doing something like that since I will use the Frontier mostly as a tandem.

I also bought 4 big pool noodles yesterday to stuff inside the hull. I think that should be enough flotation to keep me up if I should get a leak inside.
Did not get to do any fishing this weekend, but we did go down to the river as a family to enjoy the day and for my daughter to try out her new paddleboard (birthday present). I also brought the Frontier so that my son and I could paddle around and I could try out the new seat base. We had a great time.

The new seat base was great. Tons of big ships, speedboats and wakeboats throwing up huge wakes. the Frontier of course handles them with no problem and the new seat base did not seem to flex at all even though I was getting tossed around. The 1/16" wall thickness seems sufficient for stiffness, but I will still make my second one out of 1/8" wall thickness tubing to guarantee longevity.

Then it was time to try something new. Our dog (a Vizsla) is not crazy about the water, but I really wanted to see how he would do in the Frontier.
So I took the front seat out and got him to climb in with me.

Dad what are you doing!!! (Maximum tail tuck).

I guess there is no turning back.

This is not so bad. (He actually laid down and relaxed and had is paw hanging over the side).

Yeah that was fun, but let me off this thing.
Haha, he sure looks happy to see that beach again...
looks like a great family day on da water. I like the seat base idea. I've got the stock seat bases with the swivel seats on them, but i was thinking of buying a small 4" pedestal to raise them a bit for a little leg stretch. NuCanoe used to sell pedestals but they stopped bc larger people were falling out of the canoe when they would sit up too high. The dealer meant larger people as in 300+ lbs.
Gettin' Jiggy Wid It said:
looks like a great family day on da water. I like the seat base idea. I've got the stock seat bases with the swivel seats on them, but i was thinking of buying a small 4" pedestal to raise them a bit for a little leg stretch. NuCanoe used to sell pedestals but they stopped bc larger people were falling out of the canoe when they would sit up too high. The dealer meant larger people as in 300+ lbs.

My Frontier came with the plastic bases, but they flexed way too much for my taste. That is why I built the new base out of the aluminum stock. I am pretty pleased. You could definitely mount a pedestal on the base with no problem although I would go with the 1/8" thick stock for that situation since the pedestal creates more leverage against the base.

While a higher seat would add some comfort, my concern with raising the seats any higher would be trying to unhook a big sturgeon or just for landing fish in general. I feel kind of far from the water already.

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