Need Smallie Report.

Anyone hear if the smallmouth bass are in the south umpqua yet? I went a cpl weekends ago and didn't see a single one pulled out of the river. I heard they dont start moving until the shad are all out.

If anyone knows anything it would be appreciated.
i caught several smallies in cow creek just before the storm hit on tuesday. they always in there just gotta find em
thanks for the info. If theres a break in the weather on saturday ill hit the river.
Umpqua smallies...

Umpqua smallies...

I knew I should have gone way downstream Scarecro, but I had Riverforks and Singleton mostly all to myself for several hours...the lack of ppl told me I prolly wouldn't do much and I didn't. The smallest smallies are still out 40 or 50 ft from the bank as far as I can tell. Next trip will be about 20 or 30 mins. downstream from Cleveland.


yeah i didn't get to go this weekend but plan on this this week. Ill hit tyee and yellow creek area and am hoping to hit some spots out in elkton. ive never fished that elkton area but i hear it decent. Might have better luck down there becasue the river has a lot of narrow areas through there.
Main stem Umpqua smallies

Main stem Umpqua smallies

I'll prolly go up the North Fork manana then downstream mainstem Tuesday if I get a chance. I'll look around for ya Scarecro...I'll prolly look at Mack Brown and Umpqua. Gotta get some smallies.


so whats the word mooseman?
The word...

The word...

Well, I din't get out today Scarecro...I wound up doin' a ton of stuff around the place...did get a chance to work on the new flyrod though, so that was good.

Thinkin' I'll head downriver tomorrow if all goes well. You goin' to get a chance to head out?


MontanaMoose said:
Well, I din't get out today Scarecro...I wound up doin' a ton of stuff around the place...did get a chance to work on the new flyrod though, so that was good.

Thinkin' I'll head downriver tomorrow if all goes well. You goin' to get a chance to head out?


wednesday i got the day off. Gotta go to a doctors appointment at 9 but after that id like to go out. Befroe then i want to get another fishing pole. Id like to have a designtaed bass pole and trout ole. Lake or river pole i guess. Anyways, since i got your attention whats the difference between a baitcast pole and a spincast. I was looking for some poles online and in stores and there are a bunch of different kinds. It went way over my head. You reccomend a good river pole?

What type do i need?

Ok, now this is just me Scarecro, but before I went to only flyfishing I used a spinning outfit for everything else. If you just want something for bass and trout you'd most likely want a spinning setup. Something you can put 10lb. test on for bass and if you feel like bothering with extra spools, get another and have 6 lb. test on it for trout. I'd say a medium spin rod would do for heavy bass and be ok when you went for trout though most have another lighter spinning rig for the trout. Hope that helps...and I don't know if they even make them anymore but a Garcia 300 reel comes to mind. Wish we had a Bass Pro Shop nearby...they'd have it all.

To answer your main question though, the bait cast and spinning rods are different in the way the reels are mounted plus the size of the guides on the spinning rod are bigger. As far as purpose goes, they'll accomplish the same thing but for me anyway, I never liked baitcast setups for trout or bass fishing, read small stream or lake for trout, larger river for smallies or lake for lmb's. As far as brand goes, well that's a tough one. What do you have now and do you like it? If so, you could look for that brand. I've been away from spinning for so long (made my own for years anyway) that I don't know how to recommend anything like that. Hopefully others will jump in and you can get opinions on spinning rod brands that are popular.



Scarecro said:
....i want to get another fishing pole. Id like to have a designtaed bass pole and trout ole. Lake or river pole i guess. Anyways, since i got your attention whats the difference between a baitcast pole and a spincast. I was looking for some poles online and in stores and there are a bunch of different kinds. It went way over my head. You reccomend a good river pole?

What type do i need?

thanks man.

I might not go tomorrow cause i have to pick my dog up from the vet. He got salmon poisoning :( My gf might be able to pick him up then ill be able to go. Ill post if i do.

I got a Daiwa reel on a shakespear pole. nothing fancy. I just see good deals everywhere right now so i might just stick to the style im use to.


Ok, well I'll watch for your post. I went's 20 miles exactly from here to the 'boatramp' hole goin' Del Rio to Garden Valley and so on. Bridge area looked good but I wanted to go low and fish back. Wound up stayin' at boatramp.

Got about 20 small ones and a few really good chances at bigger ones but man, the wind was makin' it very difficult for a fly fisher. I sure had a good time though. Tomorrow I'm slated for N. Umpqua and/or Little River...sometimes I have good luck up a business stop to make in Glide and I need to do that soon...would you be interested in going up that way? I don't have to go to fly water to have fun up there.


the only spots ive ever hit going towards glide is hemlock and LOTW. I have no idea where anything is along the north umpqua. We should def get together and hit it up one of these days. Huh, this whole time i thought you lived in sutherlin.


Well no, it's just that i go to Coop a lot. I prolly fish there more than anywhere else now that i think of it. Do you wade fish at times? I have a good smallie spot but it calls for hours of wading. Not a bad thing when it's good and hot and the smallies there are pretty much untouched most of the time.

Ok, not this trip then I gather but yeah, let's get up on the North one of these times. You can throw small spinners, spoons or bait it if you want while I fly fish. No need to go into the fly area but if you could borrow a flyrod I could show you around. I have plenty of flies and such for that.

Ok, let me know how you did today on the main.


finally had a chance to go out today and me and my brother got out first smallies of the year. Incredibly windy today. I was cold the whole time. We got 4 of em. Threw them all back.
I went out at singleton this evening to fish for bass but had no luck.

My first time bass fishing with my flyrod on the river, no luck but it was still fun. I've lived here for 3 years and complained that there is no place to fly fish for trout and completly over looked the bass fishing opputunities. So I'm trying to get some tips on my new venture.

Do I need long leader?, Are poppers the way to go for dry flies? I tried some weighted flys and let them sink and gave them a little jerk but no luck, and then I tried a black deer hair popper with out any luck. If any of you could give me any tips I would be greatly appreciated.
I cannot tell you ANYTHING about fly fishing. But i can tell you that there are some monsters out tyee. Caught a cpl 4 lbers and we all saw some HUGE ones jumping. When they jumped out of the water it sounded like someone threw a boulder out into the water. Me and my pops saw it so did the guys that were fishing across from us. They flipped out and started jumpin up and down when they saw it. I just found my new favorite bass hole.
Plenty of average size fish down at the bullock bridge, and some larger ones up at the wolf creek or tyee bridge, hooked one on a dry fly even. Mid day was pretty slow but the morning was pretty good
roseburgbrewer said:
I went out at singleton this evening to fish for bass but had no luck.

My first time bass fishing with my flyrod on the river, no luck but it was still fun. I've lived here for 3 years and complained that there is no place to fly fish for trout and completly over looked the bass fishing opputunities. So I'm trying to get some tips on my new venture.

Do I need long leader?, Are poppers the way to go for dry flies? I tried some weighted flys and let them sink and gave them a little jerk but no luck, and then I tried a black deer hair popper with out any luck. If any of you could give me any tips I would be greatly appreciated.

fer bass use somthin' that looks like a crawdad or looks like a baitfish(perch, bluegill,etc)..............................:D

Best O Luck Bro...................:)
Caught a couple 4lbers and a 3lber out tyee road. bout 5 miles before the bridge. Only reason i stopped is because i ran out of worms. I tried to use spinners but only was catching small ones with that. Worms is the way to go right now it seems. Too bad i didn't bring my phone with me otherwise i wouldve taken a picture. Ill be going up again sometime this week ill try to take a pic. Im sure there are plenty out there.

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