Lookout Point walleye

Shaun Solomon
Shaun Solomon
OK, I know they are in the lake, and that the consensus is that they are reproducing.

Is anyone targeting them?

Failing that, has anyone pulled one as by-catch when targeting another species?

And are there any consumption advisories on the fish from the lake?

We've spent a few days targeting them without any luck. I think the wife and I are cursed with Lookout Point. I don't think there are any issues with consuming the fish there. From what I've read the crappie in Lookout getting fantastically huge, and are very tasty.
Sending a PM to either Troutski, or TTFishon, should get you the answers that you're looking for. They both know that lake well; as I recall.
I think Troutski has more experience that I do but I haven't caught one yet. I've only fished for trout though. Once, a few years back, I was with my buddy in his boat and we marked a bunch of large fish in about 10 feet of water. Threw everything we had and came up empty handed. Who knows what they were. Could of been suckers or pike minnow for all I know. Or maybe, just maybe, some big, fat, walleye.
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Remember what time of year it was? If it was early in the year, and you were in a spot with a little current, it very well could have been 'eyes. They go into a full zombie mode trance when they are spawning. I have seen them loaded up like stacked firewood, you could nudge them with your boot, and they were totally non-responsive.

You can catch them pre or post spawn, but people that catch them during the spawn are either snagging them, or snagging them.
I'm going to guess sometime in the winter. And yes, there was very little current if any. We were trying to locate the channel.
I'm cursed their as well. My son and I have spent many o' days on the banks. Only my son catches fish their lol last fish I caught was a huge sucker and a 25 ish pound carp while night fishing for cats which do inhabit that lake just not my bucket.

This year had been terrible. For me at least. I went up Mckenzie with all the boys ages 3yrs old to 16. They all caught and released lots at least a few each. With several redsides. Yet I catch freshwater sculpin.

So if your jinxed at lookout your not alone. Sure hard to acess right now you would think their all concentrated but I dought that logic holds water pun intended
Lol I'm not jinxed, I've never been out there. Just curious, I'm still feeling out local waters. I don't know enough to know where I like fishing yet. I have caught fish everywhere I have gone, though nothing to get very excited about. I just enjoy catching walleye, and opportunities in the area for 'eyes are limited.

Thanks for the replies everyone.

25lb carp? In lookout? Have you caught any others there? I fish carp as a sport so I’d love to hear about it!

usmc79 said:
I'm cursed their as well. My son and I have spent many o' days on the banks. Only my son catches fish their lol last fish I caught was a huge sucker and a 25 ish pound carp while night fishing for cats which do inhabit that lake just not my bucket.

This year had been terrible. For me at least. I went up Mckenzie with all the boys ages 3yrs old to 16. They all caught and released lots at least a few each. With several redsides. Yet I catch freshwater sculpin.

So if your jinxed at lookout your not alone. Sure hard to acess right now you would think their all concentrated but I dought that logic holds water pun intended

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