looking for easy ways to get worms!

Usually i just go and buy worms from bi-mart but im tired of spenging the money on them. Anyone have anygood ideas on getting worms up from the ground? I can't dig cause i live in an apt complex.
water your front lawn about an hour b 4 dark (if you have one) or if the sprinklers go on in the everning go out ther about 10-10:30 pm and start looking in the grass, i use a flash light to spot em then dull it out by cupping my hand around the light as i go down to grab them, gotta be quick and gentile tho. aslot be quiet!! light steps and little steps...
I have tried just about every method I could find except for using a battery and the only two things that have worked are putting down a piece of cardboard on top of some dirt and hose it down good like rippin fish lips said. Then in the morning come out lift up the cardboard and pick em up. The second method take some warm to the touch water with a little dish soap in it and pour it on the dirt. The second method works very well and very fast but probably isn't good to do.

My conclusion was just to keep buying the damn things until I decide to build a worm farm......
i have been thinkin about building a worm farm! but dude when i water down the grass and go out at night (10-10-30) the worms surface and the big ones are sitting on top of the grass, along with the other lil ones. goot way to do it. i pulled out enough to last me 4 days of fishing 40+ worms, but i let the extras go b 4 they die.
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Dude.. cut an extention cord in half... attach each wires to 2 big metal nails... stick em in the ground a couple feet apart and plug it in and stand back... they come running to the surface.. (note those are the guideline and I am not responsible for the actual outcome) I have seen this done by my grandpa..

Or just eat some raw hotdogs and/or raw pork for tapeworms.. cut em up and fish for months off 1 worm!
eggs said:
Dude.. cut an extention cord in half... attach each wires to 2 big metal nails... stick em in the ground a couple feet apart and plug it in and stand back... they come running to the surface.. (note those are the guideline and I am not responsible for the actual outcome) I have seen this done by my grandpa..

Or just eat some raw hotdogs and/or raw pork for tapeworms.. cut em up and fish for months off 1 worm!

You took the words right out of my mouth eggs. lol
Worms bins work very well. The other methods also help you to accumulate worms for your farm/bin, nice bonus. Worked well for me. Now I have a colony I can not keep up with and a great supply of fertilizer for my garden. I think it is because I started to feed them corn meal, they get huge in no time. Another important note, there is less of a chance to electrocute yourself in the future by using a bin...eggs, I hope you practice safety as your main concern... :shock::lol:
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I've got one of those earth machine composter bins. They are made of black heavy plastic, semi conicle shape with a lid that can be adjusted for air flow. If you follow the directions for composting, the end result will be a wheel barrow full of black sweet smelling stuff that is just ALIVE with worms.


I prefer to grow my own nightcrawlers, been doing it for years. It is truly an art, getting someone to show you there recipe for the bedding is as hard as getting someones cure mix for eggs.
It really isn't as hard as one may think, if I can grow them anyone can; heck I over water and kill my fake house plants:) .

If you have a leaf pile in your yard, keep it moist by watering occasionally. Then, when you need worms just sift through the leaves. I used to do the wet yard thing and search about 10:00. But, they're fast and still half in the ground sometimes. So, you'll miss grabbing some.

With the leaf pile method, you can quickly get all you want, have all of the worms you need already penned up and in refrigeration mode (and waiting to be sentenced to drowning the next day). Plus, you can be asleep at 10:00; and be fully rested for your fishing trip the next morning. How easy is that?
troutdude said:
If you have a leaf pile in your yard, keep it moist by watering occasionally. Then, when you need worms just sift through the leaves. I used to do the wet yard thing and search about 10:00. But, they're fast and still half in the ground sometimes. So, you'll miss grabbing some.

With the leaf pile method, you can quickly get all you want, have all of the worms you need already penned up and in refrigeration mode (and waiting to be sentenced to drowning the next day). Plus, you can be asleep at 10:00; and be fully rested for your fishing trip the next morning. How easy is that?

you got me there!! i think im going to look into a worm farm
I forgot to mention one more benefit of a leaf pile...the worms feed on the composting leaves and become MONSTROUS in size...so beware Godzilla...you have competition! LOL
If you are going the soak your lawn before nightfall, you should just absolutely drench it, I probably spend 45min - 1hr soaking two 50ft X 50ft patches of Grass/Dirt and Gravel/Dirt, believe it or not, but my best luck comes from the big Gravel/Dirt patch in our backyard.

The water has to soak in deep, and the ground should be very saturated, I don't ever use the soap method, only have a few times and it made no considerable difference, it is all in the amount of water you use, you are basically trying to drown them out.

I like to spray the water up high so it makes a ton of droplets, this way the vibrations from the droplets hitting the ground simulate actual rain falling down, and it probably seems more natural to the worms rather than just walking around pouring water on the lawn (rain encourages them to breed).

I haven't used a worm since last year though.
I live in an apartment and they would kill me if i soaked the ground lol. Would any of you have any recomendetions on maybe growing worms in like a bucket or trash can on my patio maybe?
You can basically put some compost in a trash can on top of some dirt. Add some grass and / or leaves on top. Shouldn't be much more to it than that; other than keeping it cool.
Earthworms / Nightcrawlers -An hour before twilight (the time, not the movie) I wash my car, dump the 2 x 5 gallon buckets of warm soapy water, then I soak down my patch of 'gravel/dirt' driveway with a sprinkler, the massive ones will be on the surface within minutes.

Red Wigglers - Find a friend (or two) that own horses. Then start collecting the horse poo and make a compost pile. Add loads of leaves to this and wait 6 months. EVERY shovel I dig is full of the little red wigglers.
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