Looking for Dexter steelhead tips

I haven't been steelheading on the Willamette below Dexter since about 2005?, back when we had the huge run followed by the drizzle the year after.
Anyway, I've never fished the Willamete much, I used to stick to the Mckenzie back before all the parking permit required "public" launches took over:protest:.
I've got a lot of time on my hands now (thanks economy) and :think:am wondering what the Willamete forcast looks like and what gear and tactics you experts would recomend for bank angling or wading.
Thanks guys.
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Well if you plan to fish anywhere near the hatchery at dexter be sure to bring your 10' leaders.
Hey rodsnguns,
You won't find much up there until end of April. After that all the way until December. If I were a betting man I would head for Fall creek and catch bass and trout. Then maybe scout some birds on the back side.
If you are below the dam on the south side, you can work that side down to the power lines. Take the south side of the island working the holes as you go. You may have some brush to go through and you might have to forge some gravel bars as you go. There are some nice holes that side. That long hole that splits, the right side will take you to George's Hole. The left takes you to some frog water and eventualally comes back to the main stem. Now farther down, there is a Park on the south side, cannot remember the name of it right now, but that side has horse trails that will take you up stream from there. On the north side below the Hatchery, there are several spots to fish down to the power lines. Check the regs as there is a boundery where you can fish from the hatchery. Go down to Pengra Boat Launch and work that side down to the power line crossing. Good Luck.....Fred:)
Elijah Bristow State Park is the name of the park-very cool park
Does anyone have any tackle tips?
Whats been popular with bank anglers at dexter.
You don't want to be one of the regulars at the combat holes right below the dam but like I said 10' leaders with anything on the hook to make it leagal and right below the dam on the south side bring a huge wieght to cast and retrieve. basically bring you snagging gear to fish right at the dam. Or I would use about a 2-3' leader with a small corkie maybe some yarn and hit up any lower hole you find. Like they said above there are a lot of great fishing holes. Maybe run a jig and float if thats your preference.
I have fished the north side from the dam down to the power lines and I think there is a lot of good water away from the crowds. I also don't think everyone up by the dam are snagger's. I know I'm not. I don't use a 10 foot leader, but I do use a 3 to 4 foot leader in summer clear water with a corky and yarn. I also use jigs - small 1/16th in the clear water and 1/8 in the green water. Use a purple and pink patterns. Corkies go with pearl pinks and peaches. Eggs and shrimp work well later in the season when they start getting hungry. Never had any luck tossing hardware. The McKenzie is the same story. Good access for free behind the hatchery at the EWEB parking area. Wear wadders and head south to avoid the crowds. Stay off private land unless you are in the water.
Yeah thats good advice. And not everyone are snaggers just most of them. I try not to fish up in the crowds since I don't have the snagging gear on my rod. Makes you feel out of place.
Don't forget your 6' step ladder and red glass beads. Also it would be helpful to leave half of your teeth at home, bring some whiskey and a knife and hand gun.
you could forego the dexter fiasco and try the mckenzie. the folk seem to be a lot friendlier. jigs, corkies/yarn, silver #3 or4 blue foxes or steelies work well. Also a night crawler threaded up your line with a pegged pink pearl corkie seems to get the job done. jigs in black/white seemed pretty good to me if the sun was on the water.
Haha I forgot about the ladders. See that at the hatchery on the mac sometimes. Your to funny. Was that you at the slaw awhile back?
Thuggin4Life said:
Haha I forgot about the ladders. See that at the hatchery on the mac sometimes. Your to funny. Was that you at the slaw awhile back?

Yes with my g/f and son
I thought it was didn't realize it until about 30 seconds after we drove off. How did you guys do?
Thuggin4Life said:
Well if you plan to fish anywhere near the hatchery at dexter be sure to bring your 10' leaders.


Same if you decide to fish the S. Santiam...
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