It's the best time of year to target these fish!!! Especially the good warm weather and really small waves. Saturday April 2nd will have 3 foot swell!!!! I went the past two Saturdays and caught 4 over sized ling on the 19th and like 6 undersize lings. Next Saturday was little worse but still caught 2 legal lingcod, 1 was 30 inches and 2nd was 28 inches. All on Grubs!!! If your targeting rockfish use smaller jigs. If I have no luck with lings then I downsize my jigs and catch rockfish .
I use #40 braid and a 3 ounce jig head with either white or grayish color grub for lings, cast out wait till it hits bottom and reel slowly.
For rockfish I downsize to #12lb mono or braid I have two rods one with braid and other with mono, And use 3/4 ounce jighead with neon green or dark brown with red sparkles grub. Cast out and don't wait to hit the bottom wait like 3-4 seconds and start reeling, rockfish are higher than the bottom.
Works every time and in any weather! If surf is rough find places that are calmer and maybe go one size up with jigs.