Decided to go a little out of my element today and try some spinners for summers. To my surprise, the prime hole was vacant. So about 5 minutes in, I feel what's like a little trout tick. Set the hook, line dead in the water, bam fish on! Does one good/long run and 5 jumps later and spits the hook and swims off. Was a beauty. Then I noticed 3 steelhead just laying right in front of me. So I spent the next hour literally throwing everything I had at them, but they weren't having it. So I decided to go back to throwing my spinner at the hole. Again, about 5 minutes in, slam this time! Fish on! Fight her for a while, bank her, tag her. Was a beautiful chromer at 31 inches and I'm guessing at about 10 pounds. she was a very thick/deep fish. Was hoping for more action, but I got to go home with something so it was still a great day!