Important info regarding Aaron Mercer Reservoir

Well-known member
hey folks, i thought i would chime in with a yearly update on the ever changing regulations for aaron mercer,since it's open for the month.

starting last year boats were banned on the reservoir due to people not abiding by laws and using gas motors.
this has taken a lot of opportunity away,but necessary to protect water quality for our towns water supply.

however, floats tubes have been cleared and deemed legal to use. no pontoons,no rafts,just float tubes.This also poses a problem because invasive species stick to please make sure you clean your gear before and after using the reservoir. if you have any questions or concerns, call polk soil & water conservation's office in dallas and they can point you in a good's important this boat incident doesn't happen again,or access might be closed.

In addition, i'm asking for help from all of you that frequent the area.if you see anyone attempting to fish for salmon in the creek,reservoir,streams feeding the reservoir, or people trespassing near the fish trap, try to get photo or video evidence and a license plate number,and please call polk soil and water or contact me here so they can be dealt with appropriately. We've done a lot to educate those who use the reservoir and creek up there and it has worked wonders,but still trying to weed out some poachers.your help is appreciated to protect these amazing fish! we do watch and patrol regularly throughout the season but sometimes they sneak by us.

were in a bad year for coho salmon runs,so it is essential we truck as many healthy fish up as we can without issues.

all of that aside, trout fishing should be great this month,especially with the rains and cooler weather! great place to check out if you dont want to go super far from home and live in the valley. trout survived the harsh summer just barely,but things are coming back to normal.
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Thanks for the update Brandon. Good lookin' out.

All of that "tube vs. boat" information, came (as you know) straight from the director of that department. If anyone needs his name, or number, feel free to send me a PM. I also have the name, number, and address of the company that manages that specific property (if anyone may need that info). Everything that you mentioned above, is correct as I understood it too.

Also, the gate is open at exactly 1 hour before sunrise each day. However if the gate is open earlier; you WILL be stopped by the OSP who patrols up there. You WILL be told to turn around, and WAIT at the gate (until one hour before sunrise).

Personally, I have a radio in my rig. So if I witness any nefarious activity--I will IMMEDIATELY call the OSP OFFicer--and watch you be fined and/or arrested! That's the only warning that you get, from this 7th generation Oregonian who CARES about special places like AMR! And I'm not working right you'll never know, when I will appear. The property management company, also PATROLS the area as well. It will just be a matter of time, before a perp gets his/her ass BUSTED. So people...just follow the law, and be kind to the environment (and ABSOLUTELY NO FIRES OF ANY KIND)!!!!!

P.S. Brandon, is it safe for me to put in a float tube--that has been in storage, for at least 10 years (in a dry/warm environment)? <I'm kidding; as I will wash it OFF anyway>
How do the salmon get in there/what stream? Looked on google maps and there's a bunch of creeks but I don't see what river/stream they would be going up
sapo said:
How do the salmon get in there/what stream? Looked on google maps and there's a bunch of creeks but I don't see what river/stream they would be going up

looks like it connects to the Willamette by Rickreall Creek (which is open for trout but not salmon or steelhead)....
Rickreall Creek is correct. The fish go through the reservoir, and into the upper reaches to spawn. And peeps mistake them, for trout and keep them. But keeping Coho smolts, is ILLEGAL...whether out of the creek or the lake/reservoir.

However, Rickreall Creek CLOSED to all fishing on Oct. 31st. That closure, is one of the things that Brandon stressed above.
troutdude said:
Rickreall Creek is correct. The fish go through the reservoir, and into the upper reaches to spawn. And peeps mistake them, for trout and keep them. But keeping Coho smolts, is ILLEGAL...whether out of the creek or the lake/reservoir.

However, Rickreall Creek CLOSED to all fishing on Oct. 31st. That closure, is one of the things that Brandon stressed above.

yes, I left out that trout were only open between specific dates each year.
Roger; I certainly hope that I didn't sound harsh.

We are just trying to get the word out; and help educate. Brandon, and I, have seen far too many peeps keeping Coho. Hopefully if they read about it on here; they will be sure to RELEASE the Coho UNHARMED--as is stated by law.
Thanks!! Ya looking at the map later I found rickreall..ya sucks to have people keeping coho in there
With about 2000 ho's over the Falls, I'm guessing paoching isn't a huge problem this year.

While they're likely a non-native species to the lake (which is a "non-native" body of water), it's cool that it gets a run.
I know that a few years ago the adult count was only double digits for Rickreal Creek but increasing. I believe they are trapped somewhere around Dallas and trucked up to the reservoir. (Brandon would know the details.) Some have been going up the Luckiamute ,too, so I have heard.
C_Run said:
I believe they are trapped somewhere around Dallas and trucked up to the reservoir.

C_Run said:
Some have been going up the Luckiamute ,too, so I have heard.

That river--in it's lower stretches--is very slow moving, and warmer, than what a typcial Salmon river is like. Might be possible; but not too likely. But it does support lots of bass, cats, carp and other warm water fish.
troutdude said:
That river--in it's lower stretches--is very slow moving, and warmer, than what a typcial Salmon river is like. Might be possible; but not too likely. But it does support lots of bass, cats, carp and other warm water fish.

The lower section is perfect warm water fish habitat. There are lots of carp, pikeminnows, and smallmouth bass. Probably others, too, but those are the ones I have seen myself. The upper parts have some salmonids. I am acquainted with a retired fisheries biologist who told me there were some coho in the Luckiamute. They used to snorkel some of the west side tribs and count fish. If anyone wants to know the skinny on the Luckiamute, check this out...
Thank you CRun. That's cool to know that, their are salmonids upstream. Appreciate the meeting notice too. I'll try and make it; and see what's going on.
troutdude said:
Thank you CRun. That's cool to know that, their are salmonids upstream. Appreciate the meeting notice too. I'll try and make it; and see what's going on.

I'm not going but , if you do , you can give us a report. I hope I'm not wrong about the coho but it's been a while since I had that conversation with the guy.
C_Run said:
I believe they are trapped somewhere around Dallas and trucked up to the reservoir.

Seems like that's "aiding and abetting" in a violation of the ESA regarding native winter steelhead (one of the reasons you can keep unclipped coho upstream of the Falls).

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