How small is Little Fall Creek?

Planning my next trip... how small is Little Fall Creek? How far upstream is it fishable?

Of the streams flowing into Falls Creek Reservoir, do you have spots you'd recommend?
little fall creek does not flow in to the resivoir that is just fall creek, so if that is what you are talking about it fishes decent quite a ways up. there are nice deep holes and slots all through out the creek.

little fall creek is pretty small right now..there are some decent holes in there with decent trout.
Great link...

Great link...

Try this thread....Hopefully it will answer your questions. Tight lines.

looks like a great spot. so where is the river most productive? what kinda flys do people usually use there/ nymph? dry?
My buddy and I decided to check out little fall creek a couple of days ago...the water level looked way too low to catch anything decent-sized.

I think it may be better to fish this creek when the water levels are higher - say early spring?
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