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The rods are 8' Lamiglas TournamentKokanee. The red rods are Jared Johnson signature. I believe these are also designed by Jared Johnson and are the slightly higher end version (micro-guides). Might even be the same blank painted differently. I got them at Fisherman's about 4 or 5 years back during the sportsman's show for 50% off. That was a steal. I was going to just get one but my son convinced me to get 2. What a good boy 
The reels are Daiwa ICV15 electronic line counter reels. When I got them they were the only lightweight trolling reels with a line counter. If I were buying today I would be tempted to get a Daiwa Lexa 100 line counter. It is a small reel with a mechanical line counter. The electronic version is really nice but changing the batteries every couple of years is a pain.

The reels are Daiwa ICV15 electronic line counter reels. When I got them they were the only lightweight trolling reels with a line counter. If I were buying today I would be tempted to get a Daiwa Lexa 100 line counter. It is a small reel with a mechanical line counter. The electronic version is really nice but changing the batteries every couple of years is a pain.