I floated the town run yesterday with 3 others in my boat, put in at day island at daylight. About 1300hrs we pass alton baker and surprise... A RIVERWIDE MAN MADE STRAINER underneath ferry street bridge!! River left to center bridge pillar was orange construction net and river center to river right was this yellow floating thing that stood up about ten inches above the surface of the river that was cabled together....WTF??? With no way around the best bet was an intentionally broach into the island in the center and thank God the current is creeping in there. I had to jump out in chest deep water with my two buddy's helping to submerge the cabled floating device as we yanked my relatively small drifter over this BS strainer! To top it off the two wise guys that put it up were sitting just downstream watching and smirking in there north river jet sled(sweet boat btw)! I calmly rowed over to them and asked if they knew who put that up.. they respond all proud saying we did.. I pointed out that there were NO signs up river and a lot of ppl use this river.. Not to mention its dangerous and a lot of work to get your boat over it.. They explained its to catch the thousands of rubber ducks they throw in the river upstream, I responded pointing out there putting lives at risk over rubber ducks...They made some more smug remarks... With an act of God and a loving hand on my back from my wife i did not resort to violence which seemed OH SO RIGHT because at this point im irrate!
We continued downstream and hooked a nice chromer and lost it pretty quickly that helped change my mood : ) about ten minutes later we hooked another one... and lost it too : ( today was not my day!! In hindsight i would have just rowed to the far river left and cut there stupid construction fencing with my fillet knife and avoided any conversation because i looked just as stupid as they did for losing my cool... oh well hindsights always 20/20
Cheers, Bob