Good strech for a first timer?

My brother inlaw is commin up from Central Point this weekend and I want to take him out on the new boat. I'd really love to float the McKenzie, but haven't been down it in a few years. This is also my first time out with the boat. What is a nice scenic float that is easy and may produce some fish for my brother?
hayden to armitage is a nice float with good chance at fish
I agree. Nothing technical here but a lot of good fishing water. Look for seams but don't overlook any runs. Everything we caught yesterday on that float was in the runs. We lost/missed a couple in riffles and seams though.

Congrats on the new boat. I'll see you out there someday.

bigsteel said:
hayden to armitage is a nice float with good chance at fish
bigsteel said:
hayden to armitage is a nice float with good chance at fish

YES! And the stretch from hayden bridge to harvest lane will put out some nice fish if you can find them. Don't over look the harvest area as you float through it! If you want to float longer, i would go with hayden to armitage. I fished leaberg and taylors boat landing today, the fishing was slow but i got a few nibbles, yeahhhh i ended up going back out.

TIP: In the recent 4 year study of mine, the harvest lane fish love watermelon colors. Throw a watermelon or rainbow thomas spoon in the 1/4 size. Those 2 lures in those 2 exact color patterns never let me down even on a slow day in that stretch. BRASS cleo, and The Brass/marron little cleo is another go to lure for that stretch. If you are fly fishing, you will have to ask some others about that one :P
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if your fly fishing i would go possie bugger sizes 8-14 mega prince 8-12 and pheasant tail size 14 for march browns, i hear soft hackles are picking up fish too, pheasant tail or hare's ear soft hackle in size 14 should get the fishes attention. below hayden bridge it's artificial flies and lures only catch and release for wild trout. stocked trout originate from stocking area upstream of hayden bridge good luck!!
i heard after the floods the river has changed a little bit so just be alert and safe

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Anything below hayden. you got the hayden ramp then harvest lane then armitage. or theres hendricks to bellenger. wouldn't go any higher it sounds like. you shouldn't have to much trouble with the one rapid at hayden i wouldn't think depends on your skills. good luck
My skills are pretty much non existent. I'm pretty sure we're gonna run Hayden to Armatige since that sounds nice and easy. My Brother inlaw has rowed since he was a kid, that's why he is drivin up. He's the teacher and I am the student. I just wanted to make sure we're heading out on a float with no surprise rapids I'd forgotten about. Thanks again guys.
You'll be fine on that float. Good choice. Pull the boat over to my house someday so I can check it out.

When you want to try a rapid I'll take you from Island to D for you to practice.

DYJ said:
My skills are pretty much non existent. I'm pretty sure we're gonna run Hayden to Armatige since that sounds nice and easy. My Brother inlaw has rowed since he was a kid, that's why he is drivin up. He's the teacher and I am the student. I just wanted to make sure we're heading out on a float with no surprise rapids I'd forgotten about. Thanks again guys.
will do, thanks Jamie
D, what's up? Paul here.

If you haven't been rowing for awhile I'd wait to do the stretch from Henricks to Bellinger. It's my personal favorite, but a couple spots can be hairy, especially in the winter. I miss living up there. :(
That's an awesome looking bow! Nice job!!!
Nice lookin fish!!
"Red solo cup, I fill you up..." :D

Nice fish, D.

Paul, you ever make it back down this way I'll have an open seat.
Nice. My first float was on the willamette from Dexter to Pengra, it was the last part of November when they were letting out a bunch of water, and as soon as I left land I wondered WTF am I doing?! Why did I get a boat? I am going to die! but alas...I survived and learned much from that trip, then it was on the McKenzie and I had the same thought going down from Leaburg to Greenwood, and then I wanted to do it again, and again, and again and so on....once you get the basics down and don't think you're going to kill yourself, it's quite enjoyable. Greenwood to Leaburg is a fun float in the winter when there aren't 100 boats anchored up everywhere.
DYJ said:

Paul, you ever make it back down this way I'll have an open seat.

Copy that. I'm trying to get Niel to come on down with me. However, I'll be rowing my own 'toon. I could use a nice driftboat as an anchor though....

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