Gales Creek Trout Fishing

Does anyone fish Gales Creek for trout? If so where to fish?
Gales creek is a different creek to fish. Depends on what your looking for for faster shallower water I like staying at the tavern in gales creek and walking down stream I know better to walk up but access is tough. A few deeper spots to fish are in first grove on b street and if you have a canoe or something you can cover quite a.but of water other than that its hard to get access...

Fly fishing or spin fishing? Trout fishing or just anything? Because there are some big carp in the lower stuff as well as the tualitan.
Majority of it is private property and very difficult to access w/o permission. I'll warn you...many of them don't take kindly to what they see as trespassers (fisherman). (coming from someone who has fished it a lot and grew up out there)
I have fished it a lot to I've been told "this is my property" but never threatened or scared out i've fished it as far up and down as is fishable.
I've been both...including having bird shot splattered around me. (this was almost 20 years ago) Quite a few of the homes out there have changed owners, so it may be better now...or worse. lol

My family has lived in Gales Creek/Rural FG since before '54. I used to fish GC while waiting for the bus after school when attending the elementary school there.
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Thanks for the info, im fly fishing. Was going for trou but if theres carp where is the best spot? Im wading as well
Carp are going to be closer to the confluence with the Tualatin.
I have only caught carp at one spot and is private where gales runs into tualitan so can't help you there but i'm sure there father up too.

Well I have fished it the last five years and hope everyone will keep the guns at home when they come down to tell at me. my most productive area all the property owners know me now do i'm good in that area. Don't fish much other than about a half mile stretch anymore anyways but good luck there Ste fish in there i'm sure you will find them if you try hard enough.

This is my first year fly fishing so I hope to catch a good number of fish there this year on my fly rod...
I recently put in at the bridge on ritchey rd and floated down to B street. It's only about a mile and a half, but there were 5 or 6 log jams. 3 of them were nasty. The boat spent A LOT of time out of the water. If you float it up high, BE CAREFUL. We did catch plenty of cutthroat though...
I walked from the store to Roderick road in the creek with great success but now I am hesitant to fish that far down because of private property is it ok to fish in the creek that anybody knows of we mainly stayed in the creek had to get out at some deep spots though.
Gales creek can be pretty good. I would go check out the B street trail. There is a little hole that usually holds quite a few rainbows. I would recommend a rooster tail, but you can be successful bottom bouncing with worms or eggs. pulled this guy out about a month ago

Gales Creek Trout Fishing
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yeah when I walked from the store I used rooster tails and caught 14 and my buddy got 21
I'd reconsider bouncing eggs and worms - unless they're fly versions of these baits. Gales is artificials only - has been for some years. The state still won't lump soft plastics into artificials category either.

There is quite a bit of public water way up in the system by the campground - and there's some public access upstream of the town of gales creek.

Dry flies do well on this creek, as do small nymphs. These fish aren't picky, usually.
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One warning. I parked my car by Roderick Rd Bridge to fish the hole under the bridge, nice spinner water down there. While my daughter and I were down fishing someone stopped and cut the valve stem off one of my tires. This was about a year back and I haven't been back since.

Also, if you are going to fish it around the campground you need to go early in the season, once the water starts to drop it gets pretty small up that high. In August you have to scramble a quarter mile between pools about 1 to 2 ft deep.
There's places on that creek I simply don't fish anymore, because of the things and people I've encountered out there. There was a huge homeless camp near the Roderick Rd. bridge, just downstream of it. by the pull out. I used to be fine parking at the pull out and walking through the creek to the woods - but that camp kept getting worse - there were needles and disgusting items abounding. I just started getting creeped out more and more there and stopped fishing there before something happened to me or my car. I've parked up by the Roderick Rd bridge, and been OK. I've gotten some interesting looks by landowners on the west side of the creek, but no one ever said or did anything.

I mostly stick to the water up by the hwy 8 & 6 merge, walk down across from Dorman's Pond and fish up or downstream for 1/4 mile either direction, then switch and fish my way back the other way just as far. If you fish methodically, it can take half a day to work that half mile of water. Good fly or spinner water up there. The up-river public water, like you mentioned, gets awful skinny in the summer.
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