Friday Flurries...

After a great breakfast in Oakridge we headed to Packard Creek boat launch, only to be met by Snow Flurries... By the time we made the boat water ready the Snow had stopped and the clouds were parting and the sun was just coming over the ridge. Funny thing about going fishing with someone for the first time, no preconceived ideas of who they are; just two people with the same passion. The fishing was great, the catching was poor, water temp was 38 degrees in some places and 44 in others along with some spring run off color..we managed not to get skunked but not by much, I blame it on the great weather... Come on its February for crying out loud. Not even a cloud, no wind; well not until the late afternoon, all in all we had a great day. Funny how much we actually had in common, not counting our deep need for chasing fish. There were a few people fishing from the bank and at least one other boat. Needless to say we plenty of water to scout out, the fish just were not in the mood for us.
Here are a few pictures of the day and one of our members from Michigan...his moniker is fishties boy does he fit in with this group..:cool:

A few more pictures...

A few more pictures...

Great day Marty, very nice to meet you...:cool:


I'm a new member to the site here. I was out there on the water yesterday too. If you saw the lone guy in a red canoe, that was me. I got started about 1:30 and fished till dark. I tried drifting with the canoe a little for trout, but mostly I was trying to catch a crappie. It was too windy until about 5:00, but then it got nice and quiet. I did get one strike there in packard cove about 100' down but I only had him on for a few seconds. I guess I'll wait for the water to warm up a bit more before I look for crappies again.

Good luck on your next voyage.
I was also

I was also

I was up there on Friday myself, the fishing was very slow but the weather was great. Nice to hear that it wasn't just me that wasn't hammering them.
Nice pictures though...what type of camera do you use?

Click and shoot compac model...easy to use and it is weather proof...

Beautiful Pictures Brother Chuck...........................:D:D.......................:cool::cool:

I Just Love Mother Nature..................................:D:D:D
Green, not environmentally either

Green, not environmentally either

Troutski & fishties;
You sure know how to turn the rest of us green with envy! Looks and sounds like the ideal way to spend a day,if you ask me. Glad the two of you got together and spread the OFF attitude. Way to go,dudes!:D Be safe.
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