Combat Chuck
Spent a few cold hours out on Foster... winters here! Im not ready to give up the fall bite yet :lol:. The action was almost immediate with a dodger and wedding ring about 15' deep. Later I put on a tasmanian devil that put a few more in the boat. I had several take downs on the wedding ring that didn't stick... and lost one at the boat. I went in with 4 13" holdovers. The water was 47° and an air temp under 40°. The dog was not happy today! She was shaking so bad I had to share my coat :lol:... so much for my "hunting" dog. Today was a test of a new rod build that worked great. Its a Batson glass trolling rod for leadcore line. Soft backbone, large guides for the leadcore and a spiral wrap. I can't show pics because its my dads christmas gift and he likes to browse here from time to time . Ive got some video I will work on and hope to have up here later in the week.