Yeah, you definitely not going to have as much control over settings with a point and shoot. If I were you I'd be trying to pull in diffused ambient light from pretty much any off camera source. Like a lamp or a flashlight behind some white printer paper or tissue paper jut out of the frame. With any macro mode or lens you're going to need a lot more light than with general photography.
Even with a tripod, if you have to manually press the button to engage the shutter you can blur shots. Did you check out the link I gave in the bottom of my post? That's very similar to what I made for controlled indoor macro photography. I can't find any photos of my ghetto set up but it consisted of an aquarium on its side with my subject inside it with a flash off to the side diffused by printer paper. I had my camera on a tripod and used a remote to avoid any camera shake.
If you follow the Strobist DIY macro box I bet you'd see a huge improvement. Instead of flashes just use some lighting you have in the house.
Here's a url to a quick video as well
YouTube - DIY Macro Studio
If you don't want any advice I'll shut up.
I went to take some waterfall photos yesterday and hiked all the way there, got my camera all set up and realized I'd left my SD card at home so no waterfall photos for me yesterday.