Fall Bear ‘24

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Anyone else rip roaring ready to hunt?
Or get out today (opening day)?
I won’t be out until Sunday morning but I’ll be hunting hard. Hopefully relocate a giant jet black I saw last summer before fire season locked me out. Wouldn’t mind connecting with the chocolate color phase I saw a couple weeks ago either.
Good luck fellas
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I am not sure that I am going to get out for fall bear specifically, but I am most definitely ready for hunting season. Good luck!
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TheKnigit said:
I am not sure that I am going to get out for fall bear specifically, but I am most definitely ready for hunting season. Good luck!
I’ve located quite a few bucks already this bear season, and the elk herd I’m most likely going to hunt is on the right side of the drainage but will most likely move a lot before November lol. Still have yet to put a bear in the crosshairs this season but it’s early
At least you are seeing some promising critters for the future! With the way that life fell this summer I didn't even get to set up my cameras like I was wanting to.
I don't Bear hunt, but I see a few bears several times either in the morning or early evening before it gets dark, almost every time I drive up to a friend's house or when I am leaving.
One is a Huge Dark Shiny Black Bear that loves the apples off their two trees!
Can't believe the size of his poops!
Big around as a soda can and filled with undigested chunks of apple still.
One is a lot lighter in color and just a little smaller and the other 3 that I see are average size.
I have almost run them over .
My friend wants me to shoot them, but I have never hunted them, nor do I have the knowledge of how to hunt them or to dress them or what they taste like.
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MartinH523 said:
I don't Bear hunt, but I see a few bears several times either in the morning or early evening before it gets dark, almost every time I drive up to a friend's house or when I am leaving.
One is a Huge Dark Shiny Black Bear that loves the apples off their two trees!
Can't believe the size of his poops!
Big around as a soda can and filled with undigested chunks of apple still.
One is a lot lighter in color and just a little smaller and the other 3 that I see are average size.
I have almost run them over .
My friend wants me to shoot them, but I have never hunted them, nor do I have the knowledge of how to hunt them or to dress them or what they taste like.
If you’re already seeing them during day light stake out a spot they hangout and keep wind in your favor. Punch em through the lungs with any deer caliber sized rifle and they’ll die fast. Even a .243 will kill one if you’re accurate enough
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