Etiquette question

Is it considered bad form to ask fisherpersons if they're keeping their catch? Sure, i enjoy fishing.. but a large reason i go is to put food on the table. I have, on occasion, asked other fisherman if they're keeping their catch, but I'm usually too embarrassed to ask (and sadly it hasn't actually worked out for me yet..). I wanted to get some opinions though. Obviously i would count the fish towards my limits, just fudging who actually caught it.
Forget what other fisherpersons do with their catch. Food on the table is food on the table. Stay with-in regs and limits. Beware of where u fish, toxins. GL Tony
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Yeah...I'd say it's bad form to ask. But it doesn't hurt to pay attention to wait's on their stringer's; or being taken OFF of their boats.
If I'm understanding the question, you would be asking to keep a fish caught by another person. That can be done but for the person to give you the fish he has to fill out a fish transfer slip. It's all in the regulations. Perhaps it best to catch and keep your own I'm with Tony and TD on this one.
On another note. Some fisherpersons don't know or care. I have seen peeps take native trout from a planter lake H.H. it is so sad. Tony
Casting Call said:
On another note. Some fisherpersons don't know or care. I have seen peeps take native trout from a planter lake H.H. it is so sad. Tony
I met a guy on the McKenzie recently that told me he keeps what he catches, native or not. Definitely sad.. people like that can really hurt native populations.
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I'm sure it is best to catch and keep my own, but I'm poor and feeding my family is more important to me than my pride. I'll still ask people for legally acquired fish on occasion.. but I'm seeing the general consensus. Thank you all for your input so far.
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I did not remember/know about the transfer slips though, thank you. I'll look into that later today.
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troutdude said:
But it doesn't hurt to pay attention to wait's on their stringer's; or being taken OFF of their boats.
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I misunderstood the original question. I wouldn't ask anyone for their fish; if they were putting it on their own stringer, into a bucket, etc. But if they were letting one go...then it's fair game IMO. But legally you still need the transfer form mentioned above.
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Fattie said:
I did not remember/know about the transfer slips though, thank you. I'll look into that later today.
I think it's totally fine to ask. Just carry with you those forms for not getting in troubles.
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troutdude said:
I misunderstood the original question. I wouldn't ask anyone for their fish; if they were putting it on their own stringer, into a bucket, etc. But if they were letting one go...then it's fair game IMO. But legally you still need the transfer form mentioned above.
Thank you. The only question I have actually asked, is "are you keeping what you catch?"
I would never ask for someone's catch if they intended to keep it, like if was on their stringer. I also only ask someone I've already begun conversation with. I'm more of a starving artist, not a complete beggar. My intention is to target sport fisherman or someone looking for a bigger catch.
Sometimes I do and sometimes I don't keep my catch.
I really don't much care for trout as table fare.
If I catch enough to make it worth bothering to use my smoker, usually a limit or two if I fish with someone else, I'll Take them home.
When I fish with my usual partner He'll relieve me of the fish if we only get a few.
But even if I was fishing alone and had a full limit, it wouldn't take much to get me to give them away. A polite ask would do it.
That of course only applies to trout.
For other fish I'll keep them and vac. seal them until I have enough to make a nice meal.
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Thanks for your input. Makes me feel a little better about it, lol.

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