Elkhorn Lake - Sept 26, 2010

I took a short trip up to Elkhorn Lake today to do some fly fishing with my float tube. It was a cloudy day with light rain. This was my first time to this lake, I have read about it years ago, and finally got a chance and decided to go to this lake for once and all. I got there, and you can just drive right up to the lake. The lake was beautiful. Water was very calm, and I could see the reflection of the forest very clearly in the lake. As I watched the lake, I saw some fish activity near the shore and out closer to the center of the lake. So, I got my fly pole out and fished off the bank, on my 3rd cast I landed a fish. It was a small trout - under 8". So I got my tube out and got in the water. I have not used my tube much, and am still awkward about walking around with fins on. As I casted off the shore, I kicked up a crawdad ! Then looked in the water to my side and saw another by a rock ! I went around the lake and caught about 10 more small trout. It was fun day for me out on the water all by myself on this lake getting some more fly fishing experience and tube skills. I only used one fly - it was a yellow feathery one. I must be getting better too.. cuz I didn't lose any flies this time from just casting it. Thats my fishing report.. I think I need to learn more techniques, how to catch bigger fish. Perhaps the bigger fish just wouldn't bite my fly, or were not near the surface, and I need a sink tip with a nymph.

So, this lake has a few camp sites by the road arriving the lake. I checked them out, they looked like good camping spots, but were well used it seemed. Multiple fire pits with garbage in some. I saw quite a few shot gun shells, some .22 castings, evidence of Budweiser and budlight drinkers, and messes of shattered beer bottles around the campsites. It was disappointing, I'd go camping here if it wasn't for what I saw.. I definaly would not want to be here with people who did these things.
Hey JAB, where is this lake? I have two books that map out nearly every lake in Oregon. But Elkhorn is not listed.

BTW, I too would prefer to NOT be there with the crowed that left those casings and empties.
I know where that is. My brother has been telling me about it. I may have to take Jeanna's toon out one more time on a good day. Thanks for the report.
Sure sounds like a blast.
where is this lake at???if you dont mind sharing
Elkhorn Lake is up the Little North Fork Santiam. Go past Salmon Falls and look for a road going to the right called Elkhorn Road. Go up it to Forest Road 201 and drive way up it. It's on Google Maps. Zero in on Salmon Falls and then look due east and slightly south.

thanks bigfootfish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yur most welcome!

Is it a good lake for pontoons? I can't find any info on this lake.
Ok I'll disclose the location of the lake and how to get there.. as long as you dont shatter any beer bottles out there w/o cleaning it up afterwards. It seems like thats the worse thing.

Going East on hwy 22 from Salem.. arriving in Mehma turn right on North Fork road.. which is the 2nd yellow flashing light in the town. This is approx 10 miles north of Silverton hwy/Stayton Exit. Travel 14 miles on North Fork Road(it is now open, as it was closed most of this summer), pass Salmon falls and shortly you will see Elkhorn Rd on the right. You will drive over a bridge that crosses the Little Santiam river. Stay on this gravel road for 6 miles.. the road is pretty good, but you have to take it slow about 15-20 mph average. Once you have gone 6 miles.. you will reach a fork in the road. One way going up the hill, the other going down - to the lake. The road is marked 20?(The sicker has worn off the marker). Down this way you will immediately see the lake on the left.

Elkhorn lake is only 4 acres in size.. and 9 feet deep according to my sources. Elevation is 3600 for more info. So for pontoons - I dont see why not. Its not that big.. but you can unload very close, and there is plenty of room to setup.

I think this lake is too close off North Fork Rd, bringing the those un-respectful crowds since its so easy to access. In fact I think they should gate off the turn off to the lake. I think this would stop the mess since they'd have to walk about 1/4 mile to the lake/campsite. I'd walk a mile with no complaints to get to this lake.
hey thanks jeepsrbuilt,im gonna try this lake very soon
If you do check it out.. I'd like to hear how you did.
roger that, I'll bring you a report
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