IF ye wyl be crafty in angling, ye must first learne to make your harneys, that is to wete your rod, your lines of diuers colours, after that you must know how ye shall angle, in what place of the water, how depe and what time of the daye, for what maner of fysshe, in what wether, how many impedimentes there bene of fysshyng that is called anglyng, and in specially wyth what baytes to euery dyuers fyshhe, in euery moneth of the yeare[.] How ye shall make your baytes breed, where ye shal finde them, and how ye shall fynd them, and how ye shall kepe them and for the moost crafty thyng, how you shall make your hookes of stele and of osmonde. Some for the dub and some for the flote on the ground.