Decent day!

Mad dog
Fished with my oldest today....his one and only August steelhead appearance of 2011....and he didn't dissapoint!!! His steelhead streak for the year is a fish every month dating back to Jan.(actually back to December!). Eight months in a row! Sept. is the bowhunting month but he is feeling the pressure now....he can hit for the cycle and he can catch a steelhead every month in a calendar year! :lol: I told him that he's screwed!!! Got to fish in sept. now! :D He wound up going 2 for 4 today, released a nice nate early and punched a nice cookie cutter hatchery later. He also lost a nice bright fish that he hooked on a double fly set up on a fly that he picked out of my box.....well that particular fly had set around in my box all winter, apperently.....the fly had become a bit rusty and he broke the steelie off at the bend of the hook! :shock: I guess that'll teach him to steal tackle out of my box !Broke right at the bend of the hook! OH MAN!!! :rolleyes:

David with a nice looking hatchery cookie ctter!

I fished hard and finally hooked a nice steelhead around 11:30......My only steelhead bite of the day!
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You sure have a lot of decent days! Nice job!
You guys need to stay home more. lol nice fish!
Agreed. Stay home; so we can get some of them! LOL

But seriously...nice lookin' fish and nice lookin' day on the water. Nicely done.
Oppp's....It's supposed to be "A decent day" with the thumbs up symbol! :doh::doh:

On a side note....I fished better the other day when I was hungover! :D
A couple nice looking fish!
Looks like a good day from here nice steelies
Nice fish and great pictures!

No fish is safe when you guys hit the river :)
Glad you guys are down there getting all the fish and not up where I am. Wait, other way around and I'd have an excuse for all the fish I'm not catching!!!
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