Crap! I was afraid of this...

A couple of fast thinking lads right there. Well done men!
Wow. Thanks for posting! Well done to the cousins!
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It's a shame. Either you let stuff like this happen or cut it down and destroy precious habitat for juvenile salmonids.
I'm not in favor of anyone getting even slightly hurt, and definitely not of someone dying, but SMOG when we were kids, we didn't know what a bicycle helmet was and rode skateboards with metal wheels before there were pads. We played Jarts. Shot bicarbonate-powered rockets. Swam without lifeguards. Rode on the rear window shelf in Dad's Pontiac. Never heard of seatbelts, much less chest harnesses or airbags... We even ate peanuts.

When we create the perception that the world is all warm and fuzzy and safe, we all stop paying attention and people get in trouble more often than they once did.

Glad the kids were there, glad the guy didn't die. Be cautious out there!
Good thing someone was drinknin beer.
Just read the guy they rescued was a former navy rescue swimmer. When you're floating a river it's never a good idea to tie several tubes or rafts together. Sounds like this may have been what caused this whole thing.

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